Chapter 5

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The room was so simple it was almost boring. Four walls built from ordinary stone – although they were constructed in a way to look like a single piece of material. The floor was hard packed dirt. The lighting was simple too; four flame lit torches, one on each wall. The only thing that really stood out to Deaglan was the way the four torches automatically lit as Mac Germait entered the room.

The room wasn’t completely empty though. On each of the four walls was a large painting, each one placed in the center as if on display. But even these were less than impressive in stature. None were framed and none were marked. If it wasn't for the fact that they were hung, Deaglan would have assumed they were put in here for storage, or as a means to be forgotten.

The paintings varied too in what they depicted. Where one was of a very plain looking sword, another was of an equally as boring, three pronged spear. The third was a picture of a black cauldron with cakes and breads piled at its base, and the fourth was a picture of a stone. The stone was oval in shape, grey in color and looked like any stone one would find by a lake.

"The Four Treasures," Mac Germait responded to Deaglan's observation of the four paintings. He sounded almost proud as he spoke of them; a stark contrast to the way they were displayed. "Each one more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

"Well obviously," Deaglan said dryly as he nodded at the painting of the stone. "The way you've hung the paintings and framed them suggests reverence unheard of."

Mac Germait smirked. "There are those among the Tuatha who wish to forget that such items ever existed."

"What do these Treasures do exactly?" Deaglan asked. His gaze had fallen on the sword. Where the sword was as plain as could be, the pommel held a golden jewel encrusted into it. There was something about the golden jewel that rung familiar to Deaglan too. Although he couldn't think on what it was.

"The Cauldron of Dagda," Mac Germait begun, pointing to the cauldron, "Provides its user with unlimited amounts of food. Literally limitless. Lugh's Spear,” he indicated to the three pronged pear, “Provides the army of its wielder with unlimited energy. If the commander of an army holds that Spear in his possession, every single warrior could fight for weeks as if they had just woken from a deep sleep."

Deaglan looked at the spear again. Although he didn't doubt what Mac Germait had told him – at this point why would he doubt anything? -- it was just that the spear was so plain. It was made entirely from metal, from base to point. A dull brown in color, there was leather wrapped around the handle halfway up as a means to grip.

"And I suppose the stone throws unlimited stones at people or something?"

"The Sword, or The Sword of Light,” Mac Germait continued as if Deaglan had not spoken, “Makes its wielder invincible. To take it a step further, once unsheathed, the wielder has to simply say a name and that person will die as sure as the sun will rise... at least in your world."

"I noticed there was no sun," Deaglan began as he turned on Mac Germait. “How is that? Where does the light come from?”

Mac Germait eyed Deaglan before continuing. "The Stone of Fal. When held by the heir of the Tuatha royal line it will glow red and scream out his name. It was used once to determine who the next King of my people would be."

"Was used?"

"The Stone was lost over one thousand years ago. And we are now ruled by a Council, as you saw."

Deaglan nodded his head and looked back at the four paintings, the Four Treasures. Although it was all very interesting, and it was just that, it still didn't answer his question. And he had only one the question from the second that he had arrived.

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