Chapter 10

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It was not long after the two had climbed from the lake and started the second portion of their journey to the Earthly Realm that Deaglan started to wear his necklace. His reason was simple enough: it was uncomfortable in his pocket. After having been thrown in the water and having his clothes saturated, the thickness of the necklace started to rub against his denim which seemed to have shrunk against his legs. It made walking uncomfortable and thus he decided to wear it as necklaces were meant to be worn, around the neck.

When he first slung it over his neck, Kaie didn't say anything. She eyed it warily, but any thoughts she may have had, she kept to herself. Deaglan didn't notice this however as he was still busy marveling over what he had just achieved.

It was his own bravery that caught him the most by surprise. Odd really as he experienced literal luck taking place and probably should have focused more on that. But nope, it was the bravery thing that gave him a little kick to his step as the two continued to cross the Otherworld. Never one known for his bravery, he couldn't believe the way he had acted. He was more than a little chuffed with himself and wasn't shy in saying so.

"Do you think Mac Germait will give me another sword?" he asked soon after the two started off again.

"What do you mean?" Kaie asked with confusion. She had become far more open to actual conversation since the lake, which was something that Deaglan was grateful for. Not just because he was looking forward to getting to know her more either. But more that he was thrilled to have a traveling companion that actually acted like a companion.

"Well I lost mine in the jaw of that Dobhar-Chu, didn't I?" Deaglan said haughtily. "I'll probably need another before the day is through. Especially when we join battle later."

"Join battle?" she asked derisively.

"Yeah... you know, when we bring the Spear back and attack the Fomorian. I'll need a sword."

Kaie rolled her eyes and said nothing, choosing to instead pick up the pace as a means to respond to Deaglan's ridiculous comment.

Despite this less than positive reaction to his assumption that he'd be in the thick of battle soon enough, Deaglan didn't deflate for the remainder of the journey. The two crossed the wasteland that was the Otherworld, and continued on their way to the Ghillie Dhu. During this time Deaglan didn't hesitate in bringing up his daring rescue and escape as many times as possible. And to his relief, Kaie didn't try and stop him... at least at first.

If anything she seemed to find his antics wholesome, and perhaps even cute. More than once Deaglan caught her smiling to herself as she shook her head at him, and this only spurred him on. Never much with the ladies, Deaglan chose to read this as a good sign, which only encouraged him further.

But it was perhaps due to exhaustion, or just a desire to change the topic to something else, that Kaie finally circled back to the necklace that was displayed clearly on Deaglan's chest. Deaglan hardly even noticed it was there, but Kaie couldn't stop herself from eyeing it.

"… it was when I saw the Dobhar-Chu coming down for me that I realized the only way to escape being crunched in its jaws was --"

"Why's your necklace missing a clover?" Kaie asked suddenly.

"What was that?" Deaglan halted. He hadn't actually heard her, too wrapped in his own story.

"Your necklace. It's missing a clover. Aren't there meant to be four?" She was walking ahead of him, so she spun around and started walking backwards as she pointed to the necklace.

Deaglan frowned and lifted the necklace to get a better look. "I don't know. You'll have to ask my father. But when you see him, can you say hello for me... and maybe tell him to give me a call."

LuckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora