Chapter 1

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Vanquishers of the Dark Lord

(Third Person POV)

Violetta Lilith Potter and Hadrian Jameson Potter were twins, born to Lily and James Potter on the 31 of July, 1980. There was a prophecy written about these two; that they would vanquish a Dark Lord.

The twins with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approach,

Born to those who have thrice defied him,

Born as the seventh month dies,

And the Dark Lord will mark them as his equals,

But they will have a power the Dark Lord knows not,

And any must die at the hands of another,

For none can live while another survives...

This got the Potters and the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, worried. They went into hiding with a close family friend, Peter Pittegrew, keeping the secret to their location. However, unbenounced to them, Pittegrew held loyalty to, not Dumbledore, but the Dark Lord Voldemort.

On the eve of Samhain, the Potters had gone out to a pub in Hogsmeade with Sirius Black and the Longbottoms, Alice and Frank. Little Neville Longbottom was left in the Potters' cottage in Godric's Hollow with Violetta and Hadrian. They hired a babysitter to watch them for the night while they were out.

Pittegrew went to Voldemort and gave him access to the Potter household. With this new information and a thirst for blood, the Dark Lord apparated to the house and blasted the front door off its hinges. Killing the babysitter along the way, Voldemort went to the second story, where the nursery was.

He blasted the door open and found the three babies babbling nonsense to each other. He scowled and pointed his original wand at one of the twins and his newer wand at the other. Hadrian paused his babbling to look Voldemort straight in the face. The other two followed suit. Hadrian held Voldemort's gaze calmly, no fear, awe, nor any other emotion. He was blank. The other two seemed to be attempting to copy him... and failing miserably. Neville was shaking and fear rolled off him in waves. Violetta was doing a better job, but the Dark Lord could still feel her fear as they locked gazes.

This unnerved Voldemort to no end. Why would a baby stare at him with such a blank look?

Shaking himself, Voldemort prepared to cast the curse that would end the childrens' lives.

"Avada Kedavra!" He shouted. Two bright green lights shot out of the wands, hitting each twin in the forehead. The Dark Lord began to laugh maniacally. Then, the spells shot back at him.

Voldemort swore he heard a small voice say, "Goodbye, Tom."

The Dark Lord screamed. It was a scream that could curdle blood and shatter eardrums. He screamed as his soul was torn in three, two pieces latching on to the closest living things (which just so happened to be Violetta and Hadrian), and the third drifting off to find a new vessel to inhabit. The house exploded with the sheer amount of magic in the air, rubble fell from the ceiling, hitting Violetta in the neck, damaging her voice box, and another piece fell on Neville, leaving a cut on his cheek.

The Potter twins were left with lightning bolt cuts on their foreheads, pieces of Voldemort's soul embedded within them.

Feeling magically depleted, Hadrian collapsed.

Half an hour later, the Potters, Longbottoms, Sirius Black, and Albus Dumbledore were checking to make sure that the children were okay. When Dumbledore didn't find anything wrong with Neville or Violetta, he moved on to Hadrian, who was still passed out. When Dumbledore searched over the boy with his magic, he flinched away.

"I am deeply sorry to be the one to tell you this, but young Hadrian's magical core is completely drained. It is likely that his magic will not replenish, and he will be a squib for the rest of his life."

James and Lily gasped.

"No... Harry, please no..." Lily cried. James tried to comfort her, but she could not be calmed. She only cried harder.

"I believe it would be best for him to grow up in the muggle world, away from magic. So he won't get jealous over what his sister has that he does not."

Lily and James, with tears in their eyes and heavy hearts, agreed and let Dumbledore go to Lily's sister's house and leave Hadrian there.

They later found that this was the worst decision they had made in their lives.

(745 words)

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