Chapter 3

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Diagon Alley

(Harry's POV)

Needless to say, I was beaten badly for my disappearing act that day. I had a black eye, a fractured wrist, bruises all over the place, and a scraped up knee. On top of all that, I had double the chores the next day.

'Well, at least I've earned the trust of my twin,' I thought as I washed the plates that had once held the Dursleys' dinner.

~Time skip to June 23, 1991~

It's Dudley's eleventh birthday today and they were going to go to the zoo, exactly like in my original timeline. The only difference was, they think that I'm not magical at all. Petunia heard from Lily that if a magical child doesn't show signs of accidental magic by the time they're seven, they are a squib.

Since I had not let any of my magic loose while staying with the Dursleys (except for that one time when I was four, which they thought I had just run outside and hidden somewhere), they also thought me to be a squib and had given me Dudley's second bedroom and trusted me a whole lot more than in my timeline. Vernon and Petunia even treated me like a second son!

They had asked if I wanted to come along, but I declined, saying that I'd watch the house for them. Vernon had said this was okay and let me stay there. I was standing outside, watching as they loaded everyone into the car.

"Bye, Harry!" Dudley yelled.

"Goodbye, Dudley!" I called back. The car drove off, and I went back inside.

Now, with no one around, I disillusioned myself and left the house and apparated to Diagon Alley; I had some things to do.

I reappeared in an alley in the middle of London, close to the Leaky Cauldron. Still disillusioned, I walked to the magical pub and went inside. I weaved my way around tables, chairs, and people and got to the back door which led to Diagon Alley. Once outside, I dropped the disillusionment charm and tapped my finger against the bricks to allow me entry.

Before the bricks could move out of the way completely, I placed a glamour on myself so I wouldn't be recognised and transfigured my muggle clothes into robes. The glamour made it look like I had straight, shoulder-length black hair with silver highlights, high cheekbones, and chocolate brown eyes. It also hid my scar.

I entered the Alley and walked with my back straight and a long, purposeful stride. I went to Gringotts bank and nodded to the goblins guarding the doors. They gave me slightly surprised looks, but otherwise ignored me.

Going up to the nearest goblin teller, I told him that I wanted to get an inheritance test.


"It's rude to ask someone's name without giving your's first," I said.


"Hadrian Jameson Potter," The goblin raised an eyebrow, but said nothing of it.

"Follow me, Mr. Potter," I followed him as he led us through a door followed by lots of winding hallways. Finally, he opened a door and walked inside.

The room was an office, inside was a desk with a swivel chair behind it and two four-legged chairs in front of it. Griphook went behind the desk as I sat down and dropped the glamour. He rummaged through a drawer for a moment and then pulled out a gold, jewel-encrusted dagger and a yellowed parchment.

"Slice your palm with the dagger and let the blood dr-" he never got to finish his sentence because I had already cut my hand and the blood had dripped on the parchment. Once the words had formed I picked it up and read it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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