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NAME: Cora Hemmings

AGE: 16, 1998, 14th October


Candice Hemmings, Mum, 31, 1983, 20th December

Conner Hemmings, Dad, 31, 1983, 19th April, Left After Car Accident

Apollo, Porcipine, 2, 2012, 11th October

Artimes, Black Husky, 8 months, 2013, 14th October


Cora (Leader)

Nathan Peterson (Painter/Dancer)

Lily Andrews (Dancer)

Claire Andrews (Dancer)

Topia Ryan (Dancer)

Maddie Sutherland (Dancer)

Lucy Sutherland (Dancer)

Mitchelle Dale(Dancer)

Ryan Dale (Dancer)

 Cole Prewn (Dancer)

Kyle Reed (Costume Designer/Dancer)

Alex Reed (Co-Costume Designer/Dancer)

Joshua Pokoney (Acro Dancer/Dancer)

 Jemma Pokoney (Ballet Dancer/Dancer).

SKILLS: She is brilliant at Archery, Dancing, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Kick Boxing, Krav Maga, Karate, and Boxing.


We have to go on tour again, Ashton, Luke, Mikey and I. So that means travelling around the world with my mum, Luke's mum, Ashton's mum and Mikey's mum. I mean it is great going on tour with them, but that also means no going out to the club, or no walking around at night, just the four of us. But this time the tour is going to be a little different. It's not that we are travelling all around the world but its because a dance group is joining us, an Australian dance group.

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