day1 - he

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I sit alone in a coffee shop watching the rain falling down and hitting the hot asphalt. Siping on my coffee and scrolling through my social media accounts. In the background, Lana del Rey is playing. The people around me are working on their laptops and drinking fancy coffee.

The door opens, wet shoes walking in. A transparent umbrella closes and is placed next to the door. A girl with a yellow raincoat goes straight to the bar and order a green tea. Green eyes looking for a free seat. She comes in my direction. She sits on the table next to me.I'm looking back on my phone and read a bit news until it stops raining.

After a half of an hour, the rain stops. I take my jacket and look back at my table, and noticed that there's a purse on the table but the girl is gone. So I take it to go to the barman and ask him if he knows the girl. He said no and said look inside it's an emergency. Her purse is filled with crap but luckily also her student card. I figured out where her school is and said it to the barman. But he only responds "I can't bring it to her, I have to work". That means I have to go, I always thought I never have to go back to a school again. High school was a tough time for me, I literally had no time cause I worked after school and all the other kids had fun hanging out. So I was never a real part of the groups, I always just slipped in conservations but was never part. That went well until people stop talking with me in class except they need something, like homework or information from the teacher. The only human contact I regular had was the manager from the ramen place, I always ate.
My parents put me in a cheap dorm at the age of 12, not because it was cheaper or they had to work abroad. No, they did not want to have a kid around them. They didn't care what happened to me. In middle school, I decided to start working to save money when they stop paying my rent. After I graduated I started working full time in a small pc repair shop.
The day ends and I fell asleep early.

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