day2 - her

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I wake up like every other day at 6 am, I brush my teeth and take a shower. I set the table for 3 people. I sit on the couch watching tv and wait till it's time for me to go to school. Usually, I run late for school, but not today. I take my bag and walk to school. As I passed the gate, a men hold my arm and said something, I couldn't hear what he says because of my headphones. I hit the men with my bag, but quickly noticed that I overreacted and that he's the cute guy from yesterday, he's holding a pink wallet in the air.

- I say 'You scared me'
- 'Don't hit me with your bag'
-'I' m sorry', said I while looking down on the floor and noticing that he's holding a wallet just like mine. 'Pink doesn't suit you'
- 'It's yours'
- 'Dammit'
- He gives me my wallet back and says ' here you go and goodbye' and turned around.
- 'Wait, let me invite you on a coffee'
- 'Fine'
- 'Alright at 6 at the coffee house '

The hours pass slowly and I'm left with my thoughts alone. My thoughts about not being alone today and the thoughts which make me feel alone. It's crazy how a human mind works. You can be surrounded by people and feel alone, you can talk to your friends and family and feel not involved. You can be loved, but not feel loved.


It's kinda depressing, all the small irrelevant things can kill you. I hate the concept of school. After school, I usually go directly home and do my homework. At least I try to. I normally lay in bed and watch movies or tv shows.

After school, I go to the coffee house and order a cup of coffee. I never drink coffee. I'm too early. The cutie arrives 10 min after me. He drinks black coffee. We spoke about a lot of basic stuff, like what we do in life and where we are from. Something is different in our conversation. I feel involved. I feel like I'm the one who talks. The feelings are intense and I get really excited talking with him. After a while, I noticed that we talked for an hour and I need to go home, cause my parents are waiting. He gave me his number. His name is Jim and he lives close to the coffee house. He's kinda cute.

After dinner, I turned the music on and laid on my bed. I can't follow the lyrics of the songs because my mind has something different in mind. I fell asleep at midnight that night.

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