Chapter One-The day we met

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(This story is in second person and your character is a girl, but if you want to be a guy just change some of the words. Also 'y/n' means 'your name'. Enjoy!)

As you walk off the freezing plane and step onto the cold floor, you feel a small gust of wind flow through your long black hair. You don't know anyone apart from your best friend, Isla, Isla has been your friend since as long as you remember...she's the only person you talk to and you can properly socialise with, after are an Introvert.
"Wow! This place is...amazing! And we're only at the airport!" Isla giggles while scanning the near-by Starbucks.
"I guess it is..." you shrug your shoulders as you check the time on your phone.
"Why are you always so moody!?"
"I'm not!"
"Are too!"
"Let's not get into that, come on, let's get some Starbucks." You grab Isla by the arm and drag her to Starbucks, a small smile wipes across your mouth as you approach the most amazing smell in the world.

-Time skip-
Summary:You enjoy some yummy Starbucks and go to the entrance of the airport to approach your Uber
As you and Isla walk into the car of the Uber, you notice how the steering wheel of the car is on the right, instead of the left.
"Of course it is, it's New York of course!" You think to yourself while fastening your seat belt. As you make your way to the college you see a lot of people walking to and from, different areas. As you and Isla leave the car, the Uber driver thanks you and you thank him.
-Time skip-
Summary- You and Isla split up to find the main office and you eventually find it after a long ten minute walk.

You finally make it to the office and knock on the door.
"Come in." A voice calls out from the inside and you immediately walk in and introduce yourself to the headmaster? ( Writer:I don't know how colleges work🙈Sorry!) He tells you how your going to have a tour guide walk you around the campus and show you around. You hear a knock on the door and you open the door to a tall-ish boy with sort of curly -type shoulder length brown hair and green eyes along with some adorable freckles.
" name is (y/n).its nice to meet you." You try not to stutter as it is hard to communicate with new people with being an introvert and all.
"Hey. My name is Philip and I'll be your tour guide." He smiles at you and then waves at the Headmaster?.

End of Chapter one! Sorry to leave you on I guess a cliff hanger? Chapter 2 is coming soon! I think? Also sorry if this seemed short? Lol, anyways hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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