Chapter 5

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*you hate him* I thought repeatedly as i stormed out , he stood up immediately from the bench. I met with his blue eyes that I'd missed so much, all I wanted to do was smack my lips into his but my conscious screamed at me not to.

"You can't be here, it's annoying our customers" I paused breaking eye contact, if i had of looked him in the eye for a moment longer I would have kissed him.

"I've been here all week w-" he began to say

"And it's upsetting our customers, so just leave" my heart began pounding . He stood there contemplating what to say

"What's the real reason you want me to go , huh ?"

"The customers d-" I began to say

"Screw the customers, what the real reason Ell" he made sure we held eye contact when I answered.

"Your a stripe" I began to say in a whisper but anger and rage took over me

"SO I HATE YOU !" I screamed

"I HATE YOU TOO !!!" He screamed louder snarling . I paused for a moment taking everything in

"Leave then..." I turned around and went back into the diner , I went to the bathroom, trying to control my emotions. I took deep breaths and fanned my eyes.

"See you hate each other" I said to myself

"Why am I crying !!!" I annoyingly wiped the tears from my eyes. I took a deep breath and left the bathroom, I headed to the cash register and looked at the bench to see if he was still there but he wasn't and my heart sank even more.

"Everything ok hunny ?" Amy asked, I sniffed trying to hide the fact I had been crying

"Yeah" I laughed "allergies that's all" I forced a smile.

"Ok" she smiled and skated off. Missy came in with her friend Ally soon after

"Hey miss" I smiled

"Hey, can I sleep over at ally's tonight?" She asked gesturing to her friend

"Sure , ehh you guys wanna bring a brownie or something?" They both nodded eagerly before pondering off down the street. I had to work late tonight I was working till 11 but it worked out well that miss was staying with her friend so I wouldn't be waking her up. I swept the floors and locked the cash register. I left and began walking home. Once again I was alone with my thoughts, I began to get a lump in my throat when I thought of Daniel I pushed back the tears already brewing and continued walking.

When I reached my street i saw a shadowy figure sitting on the curb in front of my was him. I stopped when I reached him , he didn't stand up this time but just continued looking straight ahead, seeing him brought back the lump in my throat.

"Why are you here , we hate each other remember?" I blinked quickly trying to get rid of the tears beginning to show.

"What do you want Daniel?" I shook my head , he stood up and looked down at me , his blue eyes dazzled in the light of the street lamp .He gently cupped my face with his hands

"I want you" his said gently. I closed my eyes and sighed I gently took away his hands.

" want the girl that's not in the pistols , you want the girl you met at the diner you don't want the girl that you saw that night with the gun" I looked down as tears began to fall , he wiped them and put his hands back around my face.

"The girl I want is Ell, I don't care if your in the pistols or not...I just want you" before thinking I gave into my urges and smashed my lips into his , my whole body felt electric I felt alive as the rush of adrenaline made my heart beat rapidly. He kissed me back the kiss was intense and passionate. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer I could smell his cologne and it drove my wild. I pulled away and grabbed his hand.

"Come with me" I led him into my house relived to remember missy wasn't home. My adrenaline was at its max as I brought him upstairs. He kissed me hard again and began undoing the buttons on my uniform. He left a trail of wet kisses as he began to kiss my neck making me moan.

"Your incredible" he said between kisses. I began taking off his top and he put me down on my bed. He began to lift up my skirt.

"Wait" I said my cheeks flushing, he look at me

"Have you ever...?" He asked I shook my head feeling self conscious. He smiled and bit his lip

"I think we can find an easier way to satisfy you then" he smirked , he stood up and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He trailed his finger up my thigh and towards my core and inserted it. I gasped and my whole body tensed. I looked at Daniel and he was biting his lip , he began moving it faster and the soreness eased, I gripped the bed sheets and began moaning.

"Daniel I-" I tried to say but the satisfying burn in the pit of my stomach clouded my thoughts.

"Should I try two ?" He asked I moaned in approval, he moved them faster. My legs went numb as I reached my climax, I lifted my head up and attempted to catch my breath. He sat beside me and smiled

"How was it ?" He winked

"Oh my god" I laid back on the bed and caught my breath.

We both fell asleep curled up that night , but my mind was still scattered about how whatever this is was going to work , I'd only known him two weeks and I liked him, a lot I mean I'd never done that with anyone before. If I'm being honest I was terrified for what was to come...

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