Chapter 13

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I woke up but didn't open my eyes , my head was pounding and my throat was dry. I tried to move suddenly hit with the ache in my shoulder, I went to move my other arm but something was stopping me...someone. My eyes fluttered open but I quickly closed them as the bright light hit my sensitive eyes. I opened my eyes properly this time, I was greeted with the sight of grey bed sheets , I began to panic as I remembered what had happened last night. I began to take in my surroundings, I was being held I looked down at the strong arms that where holding me I recognized the tattoos on his was...him. He was only wearing boxers , His arms where around my waist and his legs where intertwined with mine. I was so stiff and sore it took everything in my power to remove his hands from my waist , my shoulder ached more with every move.

"Ell..." I looked at Daniel who was in a dream state , was he dreaming of me ? I didn't focus on that all I could focus on was resisting my urge to smack him and trying to untangle my legs. I could feel the lump in my throat begin to grow as I thought back to his words last time I was here.

"Ell !!" Daniel sat up suddenly.

"Get off me" is all I could say pushing his bare chest. I quickly bucked my legs up removing them from under his , my shoulder felt like it was bleeding again and pain pulsated down my arm. I sat up holding my shoulder.

"Ell ! Wait please" he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to face him.

"I don't wait for people that use me , what was it you said again ? Oh yeah you where a conquest, I only wanted to get between your legs" I spat , my throat straining from trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

"I only saying that to keep you safe !"he pleaded , I shrugged my wrist out of grip.

"I can keep myself safe ! I didn't and still don't need you to keep my safe" I stood up

"No Ell Alfonsi said he'd kill you , Ell please I miss you so much"

"Don't say you miss me when it your fault I'm gone !!" I shrieked as tears began to fall

" Ell my cousin saw us in the diner , he told Alfonsi the night you came here , remember I told you I got into a fight on the way home ? It wasn't a fight Alfonsi beat me when he found out about you , he threatened to kill you and I wasn't going to let that happen, I had to tell you that bullshit lie" he said standing up, he looked down at me and gently grabbed my forearm.

"How can I be sure this isn't another lie Daniel" I said wiping my eyes.

"Because Ell I - I"

I could see him battle inside when I looked into his eyes , his poor soul was so damaged, I bet no one had ever told him they loved him or cared for him like they should. We where both damaged , my mum left when I was 7 and I spent my entire life wondering why I wasn't good enough for her to stay , witch is why when my time comes to take over the business I plan to grow it and become feared all over the world , to show her I am good enough even if I don't believe it myself.

"You what ?" I snapped still not believing him

"Ell listen I'm a hard person to deal with I know but I'd give you the world just to see you smile I- I don't deserve you I know and you don't deserve the pain I'll bring you but I..."

"Daniel , it's not that simple" I sniffled, I wanted to be with Daniel more than anything but everything was screaming at me that it was a terrible idea

"So after everything it was that easy to give up ?" He dropped down onto the bed in defeat , I looked away unable to withstand seeing him like that.

"Please no , I - I fucking love you, Ell I'll always love you just...come back to me"

I froze at the mention of that word , i didn't think it was possible to fall in love with someone in a month, I didn't want to admit it but I loved him too.

"Do you mean that ?" I managed to say , Daniel shot up and grabbed my hands

"Of course I fucking mean that , I can't think of anyone else I feel this way about" I could see pain in his eyes , I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you , I love you so much, I don't care how complicated things get in the end I want you" for the first time since we parted I felt safe...

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