Chapter Three

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Braxton's POV
A bell rings behind them as the two boys pay for their ice cream.
"Yo, that little dude was totally checking you out." Chad says around a mouthful of Rocky Road, nudging Braxton with his arm.
Braxton turns to see a short, brown haired guy walking out the door.
"Damn, he's kinda cute. You sure he wasn't just looking at the stuff on our arms?" Braxton asks as the two pop a squat at a table.
Chad stops eating as his face pales a little, "I forgot about that, frick!"
He glances down at his arm again and groans in utter despair, "I knew I should've brought a sweatshirt!"
"M'kay, princess, at least you don't have a dick in your arm."
Chad flips him off and the two eat their ice cream in a comfortable silence for a bit.
Braxton's pocket buzzed and he takes his phone out to see his sister's name flashing across the screen.
He answers it and before he can even speak she says, "Get home, the sink broke again."
Then she just hung up, not even saying goodbye. Chad cocks his eyebrow in confusion as Braxton stands up.
Braxton lets out a sigh, "Ugh, Mia broke the sink again. You wanna come with and stay the night?"
Chad nods in understanding, tossing his empty cup away, "Yeah why not, I still have clothes at your house I think. Plus then I'll get to see your snack of a sister." He adds a little eyebrow wiggle as he says the last part.
"I will cut you ho." Braxton says with a glare.
"Well at least I'm not lying to you, buddy. I'm completely open about my burning love for your sister. She's the only one for me." Chad laments wistfully.
"For sure, bud. Don't get your hopes up, though. She only dates muscular guys," Braxton says as they leave.
Chad pouts a bit, flexing his skinny arms, "I've got some muscle." Braxton chuckles at the fact that his friend is a literal stick, "Yea and I'm a chick."
Chad shrugs with a playful grin, "Well I mean, you never know..." Braxton punches Chad in the arm for that and growls, "Pretty sure I'd know, dude." They walk for about twenty more minutes before reaching a townhouse, bickering and hitting each other the entire time.
They walk in the house to see a chill korean girl draped over the couch and a sink spitting water in the kitchen behind her. Braxton sets down what little stuff he brought with him and grabs his tool kit. Chad jumps on the couch, gearing up to attempt to flirt.
"Okay, seriously Mia, this is the fourth time you've done this. Stay out of the kitchen! All you do is break stuff." Braxton says with a sigh.
"I just wanted some noodles! I swear I just turned it on and next thing I knew it was spraying water! It's like I'm cursed or something!" The girl says, springing to defend herself.
"Well you know what Fairy Tales say, maybe a kiss from me will fix that curse." Chad says wiggling his eyebrows.
Mia gets a disgusted look on her face, "I think I'm good, this isn't a Fairy Tale and you are definitely no prince."
Chad mimes his heart being broken and Braxton laughs heartily.
"You had it coming, dude. I don't think you'll ever learn." Braxton shoots with a grin. Chad keeps trying to flirt, despite being horridly unsuccessful with Mia as Braxton fixes the sink.
Chapter Three, feel free to point out any mistakes dudes! Honestly always super helpful

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