Chapter 1

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"Okay, Anna, time to take your meds."

I groaned and put my pillow over my face. I hated taking the meds they gave me. They never did anything, not that I wanted them to. They just made my head hurt.

"Don't take them..."

I look to my left and see Jax, a ghost I've grown close to during my seven years here.

Jax used to be here, in this room. His parents sent him here because he was gay. The doctors kept him in the girl's wing to keep him away from the boys, or so they said. I think it's because they wanted to make him straight.

Anyway, Jax died of asphyxiation. He hung himself because of the meds his doctors put him on. So he haunts this room. It doesn't bother me; it's nice to have the company.

"I won't, Jax." I said.

"Hello, Jax." My doctor said.

I looked at Jax just as he stuck up his middle finger and vanished. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling until a cup came into my view.

I rolled away. "I'm not taking them."

"Anna, we've been over this. You need to take your medication."

"No." I said firmly.

The doctor sighed. "I'll call security again."

I sighed back. "Can it at least wait till after Markus visits?"

"I suppose." My doctor said, then left.

I turned back to face where Jax had been, only to see my sister.

I smiled and sat up. "Hey, Holly."

"You like him." She said

"Like who? My doctor?" I made a disgusted face.

"No, you idiot. Markus!" She exclaimed.

"I know, Holly. I was messing with you. And no. I don't like him. He's my best friend."

"If he were your best friend, you wouldn't care if he saw you as a mindless, drooling zombie."

"No, I don't wanna be a mindless, drooling zombie because I like my ghosty friends and I like still talking to you."

"Anna..." I looked up at her. "You like him."

That was all Holly said before she vanished.

Maybe she was right. I had begun to take special care of how I look now when he visits.

I shook my head. Stop it, Anna. You don't like him. He's your best friend. Your best friend who's gonna be here within the hour.

I sighed and stood up. Time to get ready.

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