Chapter 30- What the...

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Beau’s P.O.V

 I slowly opened my eyes. I was met with bright lights. I squinted under the harshness of the halogen bulbs. Blurred faces greeted me; they were frantically passing up and down hallways.

Eventually my eyes adjusted fully to the light. It was then that I noticed that, the walls were painted a sterile white. A bulletin board, adorned with pictures, cards and drawings broke the sterile and clinical feel of the white room.

Along the wall was a long counter with two smaller cupboards above it. There was a multitude of flowers lining almost every inch of the counter.

An array of cheerful colours shifted the ominous atmosphere; sending my mind reeling to work out what the real intention was.

Inhaling the heavy smell of concentrated bleach, I grimaced at the potent smell. The smell started to make me feel light-headed. My mouth was dry. I wet my lips a few times to help me to swallow again.

I felt like I had slept for years, but I was still tired. A muffled beeping played in the air and I slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise.

Seeing a cardiograph in the periphery of my unsteady vision; made me realise that the muscles in my neck were stiff and sore. It soon became apparent that my body was achy and hurt-all over.

Rose was curled up in a seemingly uncomfortable position in an abrasive looking chair. The only sign of consciousness was her soft restless sighs and murmurs as her chest slowly rose, and fell with her steady breathes.

I didn’t understand where I was. I keep looking around for some indication, but I couldn’t find any. I looked down at my body –covered in scars and bruises-, which confused me, further.

The last thing I remember was; driving towards Suzy’s to meet Rose and our parents. The next I know, I’m struggling to move on an uncomfortable bed and the faces and voices are back.

Slowly I get it. I'm in a hospital.

My gaze wonders back to Rose. I realise how tired she really looked. With the dark bags under her eyes and paleness of her skin.

I lay there forever and sometimes groaning with every exhalation just to keep myself occupied.

After a while, the door creaked open and I cast my gaze over to it. A small red headed woman came around the corner in green scrubs.

“Oh my your awake.”

I nodded weakly, swallowing allowing me to speak. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I opened and closed my mouth a few times before closing it permanently.

“Honey, don’t push your vocal cords. You haven’t used them in weeks.”


I had been out for weeks? What the hell happened to me? My mind was blank- apart from the fact that I had been going downtown- I had no recollection of any other memories. I could remember what had happened yesterday; which must actually be weeks ago.

That proved that my memory hadn’t been completely damaged.

She pressed some kind of button on a lanyard on her neck. Doctors suddenly flooded in a hoard, checking my body.

One asked if I could remember my name. I managed to reply with shaky ‘Beau’.

I was surprised that Rose hadn’t woken with the amount of noise going on. Maybe she was that tired that she was out of it completely. By the looks of her, she hadn’t left.

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