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"john, it's time to get up!" jaron's voice  cuts through my dream, waking me up as he opens the door to my bedroom.

we've gotten into a sort of routine lately. he wakes up at 6 a.m, cleaning up last nights dinner dishes and watching morning cartoons. i still don't understand how he can be such a morning person considering his sleep schedule was so bad before.

jaron smiles at me, "come on john, i let you sleep until 8 instead of 7 today. let's go eat at gold's, i'm paying."

i groan, covering my face. "i don't want to get out of bed, it's so warm and snuggly."

"get up and shower." he deadpanned, tossing a towel at me. i groan again and sit up.

"what's the weather like today, smit?" i ask, shuffling over to my dresser.

"a high of 76, slightly cloudy, light rain showers around 4 PM."

"thanks man," i rummage through my top drawer, pulling out my white, half tank, binder. "if i get stuck in this after my shower, will you help me with it?"

"aren't you supposed to wait until your skin is dry to put the thing on?" he asks, adjusting his glasses before giving me a warning glare.

"bro, come on. i could care less about it. just promise no boners if you see my tits."

"bruh moment. john man, you know i'm more of an ass person anyways." he glances at my waist. "and your ass is like two pancakes. i wouldn't pop a boner, scout's honor."

"i'm totally going to ignore the comment that my ass is flat." i chuckle, grabbing a t-shirt and some jeans, along with a pair of boxers.

"you wear tight boxers? ew, don't you chafe?" jaron asks, his eyes on my johnny bravo boxers.

"bro, my dick is made of silicone and will slip out of my jeans at any point if i don't wear these." i reply, brushing past him.

"oh hey," he starts as i step out of my room. "guess who i got a text from today? toby! he's been back in town for about a month and is staying for the summer. he actually works at gold's."

"toby man, it's been so long. he was so chill with me being trans when i came out freshmen year. he helped me pass as cis, did you know that?" i ask, stepping into the bathroom down the hall.

"he did? i didn't peg him as the type of guy to be chill with that. dude had a lot of internalized homophobia."

"yeah he was really chill with it, now if you don't excuse me, i'm going to shower. no boners, jaron."

he gave me a thumbs up. "i got you man, just don't get stuck."


when i was done showering and successfully getting stuck in my binder, we walked down the block to gold's, a cute little diner. jaron popped zero boners helping me pull my binder down to flatten my chest. i mean, it was probably the least sexy thing in the world so i understand why he didn't.

upon entering the diner, we were greeted with a quick wave from craig, a good friend of mine and the diner's owner.

"hi, welcome to gold's! my name is tyler and i will be your host today. would you like a booth, or table?"

a smile breaks out on my face at the friendly smile of craig's husband and i glace around at the not very busy diner, i mean it's a tuesday morning at nearly 10 am, everyone is at work and lunch rush doesn't start until at least 1.

"booth, please, and hey ty, good seeing you." smit answers for us, and tyler nods.

"okay, awesome, toby will be your waiter and it's nice seeing you guys too," he motions for us to follow. "we need to hang out sometime when i don't have to be so professional and i don't have to serve grandpa's grandchildren smiley faced pancakes and milkshakes at 6 am."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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