New Best Friends(Jakes Pov)

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Blake Jr Crud you are assigned to Fredy Mc'Carroll."Miss Veronica said. When Fredy walked in all the girl except CJ fainted ,literally. He was so cute Miss Veronica couldn't even take her eyes off of him. "Hey Blake can I sit by you?"he asked "Sure"Blake responsed. "HEY"Jake said "Bitch push your self"Blake added. Fredy sat by Blake and they started talking. They made a promise to never leave each other's side. So now the were besties. Jake was just sitting there watching faces 'how pathetic'he said with a laugh. 'I don't know how this helps my case with Blake anyways. If he gets a new bestie he will remember what I did to him over the summer. I don't even know how he...' Jakes time of thought was paused when he received a message on his phone from Blake

*Blake*- Me and Fredy are going to the mall. Do you wanna join:)

'what should i say??' he thought to himself. To make sure Blake wasn't talking crap behind his back he sent the only logical answer he must send

*Me*- Sure;)

He thought Blake may tell Fredy something which was none of his business, but he still couldn't understand one thing. Why would Blake become this guys "best friend". It was just an hour and he already had a new friend. It's was recess time. While Blake and Fredy took off,Jake stayed behind to process why would this happen to him. At that moment Jake's crush Lily tapped him "Ain't you going for recess ?"Lily asked "Sorry I didn't even notice it was time for recess"he responded. "Ummm where is Blake?"she asked "Out with his new bestie I guess"he answered "Jealous much"Lily said "No.*psssf* of that new dork....yeah I guess I am"Jake replied. "I don't understand why Blake will become friends with a dork like him?"Jake added. "I mean he is cute"Lily said *Jake stares at her* "Not that cute."she adds *he stares again* "Funny he is really hot."she adds.
"Wow am soo shocked"Jake says sacartically. "Come on let's go grab some food before recess is over"Lily said "Okay "Jake. At least his crush and was really caring. They held hands and walked out of the class

*To be continued*

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