Secret for a Secret( Jakes Pov)

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"I caught you" I said. "Caught me doing what exactly??"Fredy asked, "Blushing when CJ was talking to you. You have a crush on her" I responded, "No I ..." Fredy didn't finish his sentence when *ding* CJ texted him.

*CJ*- Hey Fred. Its okay to call you that right:)?

Fredy started to smile in a weird way. "Who is that"I asked, "Nunya" Fredy responded. "Let me see that" I said as I grabbed his phone. "I knew it. Oh wait till Blake's finds out that you like CJ. You are dead biatch." I said as I laughed histaricly. "If you tell Blake I like CJ I will tell Blake why CJ left him at the dance last year" Fredy said. "How do you even know what happened. Everyone knows CJ had an emergency." I said trying to make it seem true. "I found out that you didn't want Blake and CJ to kiss because if they did he will spend more time with her and not you." Fredy said. I don't know how Fredy found out but let me just say I was scared. All year when Blake moved from Orlando and came to our school, all he could talk about was CJ when he saw her. Its like when guys see her they get enchanted or something. Well Blake got the courage to ask CJ to the dance when he found out she likes. I knew if the kissed they will be together next year so I made sure that didn't happen because I couldn't lose my best friend. So I went outside. Walked around a little bit, then I texted CJ her brother Jacob had an emergency and was waiting for her outside. She came there within 5 mintues. Then I told her it was a false alarm. Blake got angry because he thought CJ left him there because she didn't like him. So he called his Mom to come and get him. By the time CJ got back inside he was gone. So now I dont know how he found out. Maybe when he was talking to CJ she told him about her part. Am so dead. "Now let's make it this way. Secret for secret. You don't tell Blake I like CJ and I don't tell him how you destroyed the love of his life."He said with a grin. "But you are about to destroy it more than I did. You are his best friend for crying out loud. You should just find someone else."I said. "You don't get it. Since am his friend, he will tell me everything. So literally I will be 5 steps ahead of him. I know it isn't good but I didn't ask to fall in love with CJ ."he said. "Well if you want to continue living you better stay away from CJ, because if Blake's finds out you are really dead"I said. "So what. You keep the promise we made to each other, because if I lose Blake and CJ , you will lose him and that girl you have a crush on. Yeah I know. Lily right. Found out she is CJ's best friend. So losing Blake and CJ will indirectly mean you will also lose Lily. So keep my secret I keep yours. Tell my secret and lose Lily forever Jake." Fredy said. At this point he got me cornered. I had to release my self. I texted Blake to come to where we are.

*Me*- Yo. Come to where those annoying phone cases are. Ty:).

*Blake*- Oh I was coming there already.

"Okay am here" Blake said. "Wow that was quick" I said . "Well when did you call me here?"Blake asked. "Tell Fredy the story of how you lost CJ the first time" I suggested

*To be continued*

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