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The students all sat in the floor in a circle, munching on food they got delivered from the cafeteria downstairs. The giant conference table was pushed to the side, and Pepper sat in front of them all, alongside Tony, Steve, and Peter. Soft murmurs filled the room, some people still traumatized by the attack, others in awe of Peter.

"Now," Pepper started, placing her empty sandwich wrapper down next to her. "First, I would like to formally apologize on behalf of the Stark industries. We weren't prepared for a uniform attack like this, and we put your lives in danger. But what's most important is that none of you are hurt."

Some of the students nodded in agreement, chewing their sandwiches silently.

"The other reason I've gathered you here in private is because you all saw something that may put the identity and safety of one of your fellow students in danger." Peter stiffened at the words.

"As you saw," Tony took over, "Peter kicked ass, hands down. But, if you know anything about anything, you know that the way he did it was probably extremely familiar."

"He's Spider-Man," Flash stated.

"Yes. Your classmate Peter Parker is the one and only Spider-Man. That's the main reason he works here in the tower- while he might not be official, he is an asset to the Avengers team. You all saw what he could do, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. Now, I'm going to be blunt. If any of you reveal his identity, whether it be to one of your parents or the whole world, we will have problems. Peter saved your lives, risking his own neck, and he does it more often than you think. So, I ask that you respect the secrecy of the mask, or there will be consequences." The class rippled, each student shifting at the intensity of the genius man's gaze.

"Guys, I'm here if you need me," Peter spoke up. They shifted their attention to him, and he grit his teeth. "I didn't choose this lifestyle. I never wanted this. But I have a responsibility to do what's right, and I take that on. But I try to keep it limited to when I'm in costume. Outside of costume, I'm the same kid you all know. The same geeky smart-mouthed trans kid with anxiety problems. I still like Star Wars and legos, and I have a collection of science pun teeshirts rivaled by none other than Tony Stark. All I'm asking is that if you want to talk about it, if you have a problem you need help with, I'll do it. Just don't out me, alright? Because then that puts a target on the backs of my family and friends, and any person who associates with me."

Standing, Peter made his way through the group of students to the hallway, in desperate need of fresh air. Not long after, Flash and Steve appeared.

Steve nodded at the boys as he passed by, and Flash watched as he sauntered away. They stood in silence for far longer than Peter felt comfortable. What could Flash want? Would he tease him? Push him around?

"I'm sorry." Peter blinked, mouth falling open slightly in surprise. "Look, I know I'm an asshole. I get off on it. But I have a lot of respect for Spider-Man. He- you- do a lot of stuff most of the world is too afraid to do. And I've been nothing but a dick. So, I'm sorry, and I totally get it if you tell me to piss off right now."

Peter looked up at the ceiling, mind swirling. He didn't want Flash to be afraid of him not liking him. He also didn't want Flash to be a dick anymore. So, he did the one thing he knew how to do best.

"I... acknowledge and accept your apology, but... I don't think I can totally forgive you man. You are a dick. You've pushed me and taunted me and made me feel like shit for years, and I never do anything because I can take what you give, but not everybody can." Peter turned his eyes to the teen, the brown darkening to a deep, dark color that reminded Flash of fresh rain. "But I'm going to tell you right now- you know who I am and what I'm capable of. So that means you need to get your act together, because I refuse to allow you to act like a spoiled child forever."

Flash nodded. Without a word, he turned and went back into the room. Peter sighed and slid down the wall, puffing out a sigh.

"I'm glad I decided to come after all," he said to nobody in particular.

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