Chapter One

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(I don't know her faceclaim's name but her Twitter is @SluttyAesthetic, her Instagram is @blondniqhts, and her pictures will be in the media if Stella's outfit[s] for that chapter arent.)

Hey! My name is Stella Topp, I'm 25, and a raging bisexual. Anyways! Most people in these stories have really best-friend level relationships with their brothers so they get the job at Smosh easy. I only applied because Shayne knew I was out of work and had editing experience so he told me about the opening. They were looking for an editor, obviously.

Y'know, LA is all about connections and my brother worked there so I knew I had an "in", for lack of a better word. I had been working there for a few days, but I stayed in my cave aka my office. Today, I was meant to be in an "introduction" video. I walked into the Smosh Games studio. I saw Damien and smiled. I was happy to know someone other than Shayne that worked here.

"Hey, Stel! I was wondering when you'd come out of your cave," Damien said. "Well, you've been graced with my presence now, Day," I said, jokingly bowing. "Hey, I like your hair!" A girl with purple hair said. "Purple hair club! High five!" I said, putting my hand up. She smiled and gave me a high-five.

"I like her," She said to another girl. "I'm Mari, that's Boze, He's Wes, Joven and Damien but I think you guys have met." Mari introduced everyone. I shook their hands, "Stella Topp, sorry I haven't come to meet you guys yet. I've been swamped and my office is all the way on the other side." I told them and they nodded before Joven spoke up.

"Topp? Like Shayne?" He asked me. "Yeah, that's my big brother. He's how I know Day and all." I answered, nodding my head in Damien's direction at his mention. "Okay!" Someone said and cued us to start filming. "Just yell Gamebang with everyone else when we start," Mari told me. "I say gangbang? Damien, what the hell did I sign up for?" I said, with both confusion and shock.

Everyone laughed at that before Damien explained. "No, gaMebang. It's a play on gangbang." He said, annunciating the "m". "Oh, okay." I nodded. "That's going in," Joven said, and everyone laughed at that too. I let out a giggle, to seem like I wasn't as embarrassed at my fuckup as I actually was.

"Ready? Action!" The cameraman said. "Gamebang!" We all said together. I was still getting used to Smosh so this was really weird. I had only been editing Maricraft and non-games videos. "Here's our new editor and the newest edition to Smosh, she had a crush on Pinocchio when she was 13, it's Stella Topp!"

"Damien!" I said, shoving him as he was sat on the couch next to me. He started laughing, join everyone else who already was. "I was 8 actually, Shayne's just a little bitch," I said. "No, you!" I heard Shayne said, causing 'oh's from everyone. "You're lucky I relatively enjoy seeing you right now," I told him.

"You guys may be wondering why Shayne is here! You guys don't really know her yet so there isn't fanfiction of her." Joven said. "We-" I punched Shayne in the arm before he could finish talking. "Continue, Joven," I said. "Okay!" He said, "But, there is fanfiction of being Shayne's sister so we're going to have you, Shayne and some of the rest of us read along with you." Joven said.

After we shot the video, I went straight back to my office because I needed to finish the next Every Blank Ever video. I had just finished up the end screen when I heard my office door open. "Hey!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I shot my head up to see a REALLY pretty blonde girl in the doorway. "Ian mentioned a new editor today so I thought I'd come and say hello! I'm Courtney." She said.

"Hi, I'm Stella. Stella Topp." I smiled. "L-" She started, "Shayne is my brother before you ask," I said. "Sorry for cutting you off, I've just gotten asked that a lot already." I apologized. "Yeah, I get that." She nodded, understanding. "Well, I've gotta go but I'll see you later!" She smiled at me. "Bye, Courtney!" "Bye, Stella!" She said, closing my door and left. I got back to work, getting about 30 minutes into another video before my door opened again.

"Stel?" Shayne said, opening the door and closing it behind him. "Hey, Shay, what's up?" I said, looking up from the computer. "Can I hide in here for a little?" He asked me. "Yeah. Wanna explain why, though?" I asked him. "I'm hiding from Noah and Court. They're bombarding me with questions about Damien." He told me, and I pulled a confused expression. "What kind of questions?" I asked. "Like, If I asked him out or not." He muttered.

"Shay! You like him?!" I whisper-yelled. "Yeah, can we not talk about it?" He muttered. "Okay, promise we'll talk about it later, though?" He sighed and nodded. "Topic change. Set me up with Courtney." I said. "What?" Shayne looked at me with a confused look. "She's cute!" I defended. The opened and a guy with green hair popped his head in and saw Shayne. "I found him!" He said, into the hallway. "Hey, I'm Noah. Can I steal Shayne from you?" He said. "Stella. Yeah, sure." I shrugged. Shayne gave me a 'help me' look. "We're talking later, Shay, you better not forget," I told him as Noah dragged him out of the room.

I tried to finish my last video of the day. Technically, I didn't need to start it until the next day but I like to be ahead. But it was a Smosh Pit video and I was just staring at Courtney most of the time. I looked at the time and sighed. I saved and closed the tab, before shutting my computer down and waiting for Shayne to come to my office, seeing as he was my ride.

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