Quotes and boxes

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Albert woke in the morning, his twitter notifications summoning him instead of an alarm clock.  Yawning, he took his phone to clear the twitter notifs and found a text from an unknown number.

???: .olleH

Albert grumbled, hating having to reverse messages. He texted back, however.

Albert: Hello! You must be Cl3maine?

???: seY

Cl3maine: Be careful of eniam3lC

Cl3maine: uoy ot klat ot deen I nehw dekcolbnu eb lliw uoY .esle enoyreve dna ,0KCUY ,ennegroM ,Z0G htiw secnahc ruoy niur nac yehT .gninraw a evah I

You can no longer respond to this conversation.

"Why can't I ever respond to them?" Albert sighed, then attempted reading the text. "Y-... You? Yeah, you.. to... talk to need? It's not even just typed backwards, the sentences are reversed too. AuGhH!!1!11!" When he looked back, he saw something even weirder. One sentence was normal? Maybe due to the mention of eniam? It'd be weird to spell it backwards, yeah. But why? What is the correlation between Cl3maine and eniam?

Albert decided to distract himself from the mess of those two. To his minimal knowledge about it, Cl3maine often explored on Roblox 'myth' games. Without the myth people and often without people to help. That was the extent of his knowing. Regardless, he was tired and hungry. Albert went to make himself.

A few minutes after he finished his breakfast, he got another text. He was starting to get tired from all these texts.

???: Hello!

???: My friend gave me this number, but didn't tell me who you are :o(

Albert: Who are you?

Albert didn't question the emoticon at the end, as he had a small idea as to who it may be. He didn't want to seem rude if it was who he thought.

???: Oh, sorry!

???: I'm Annie, but most know me as G0Z!

Albert: G0Z? From your circus in the sky?

G0Z (Annie??): Yeah! That must mean that you're Albert! :o)

G0Z (Annie??): Sorry about what Yukc0 had said, I'm sure he didn't mean it!

Albert: It's alright! Though, can I ask about your name?

G0Z (Annie??): What do you mean?

Albert: You being named Annie. I've only heard G0Z-

G0Z (Annie??):  Oh! My name was agreed on before I was born! The doctors said I would be female, but then I wasn't

G0Z: I don't know too much about that, though! 

Albert: Oh. Well, at least you found a good place to be yourself and not just Annie

G0Z: Yeah. But, I still like the name. I just have two now! :o)

Albert: You always have a bright side to everything, don't you?

G0Z: I'm incapable of feeling sadness!

Albert was a bit confused to say the least, but didn't comment on it, instead changed the topic. They talked for a quite awhile before Albert realized he still didn't have a video. He did not want to post the video from Cl3maine's game, the links to the same video were everywhere in sight. Well, except for the room of darkness. But, that flashed an eye without a pupil (with an X going through it instead) every once in awhile which would be some danger for the viewers with vision problems (one eye blindness, migraines, epilepsy, etc).

So, thus, Albert did a quick recording of Adopt and Raise a Cute Kid where he trolled some naive 8 year olds. He sent it off to Adam to edit then texted G0Z again.


G0Z left him on read. Albert shrugged and texted Jake about doing a collab instead. Albert received a call instead of a response, which he answered quite quickly. They thought up ideas for games to play together. Albert thought of doing something similar to the time they did Jailbreak as aliens or do a raid at Roblox Highschool/Meepcity. Jake thought of trolling people as that despacito spider demon or play myth games. After some discussion, emphasis on cuss as well, they decided on admin command trolling. However, Jake had something to do that would keep him occupied for awhile. He didn't tell Albert what it was, but it was probably a doctor's appointment and hanging out with Ally. Once the call ended, Albert had nothing to do.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. Albert wasn't expecting anything, so this confused him. He had been confused a lot lately. Ever since that tweet from G0Z. Albert shook off his thoughts and went to open the door. But, no one was there. Just a b0x and a l3tter. He took the box and brought it inside, reading the letter once he got the box set on the table.

Good afternoon, Albert!

I got you some gifts! I do hope you enjoy them! One of my friends recommended these! I hope they're fun!



Albert stayed silent, unsure if he should open the box. He huffed softly and got some box scissors to open it.

From what could be immediately seen, there was a roblox and a steam gift card with unknown amounts. Then, papers. Just papers with quotes. 



"Its his foundation"

"January 20th, 2004"

"January 26th, 2004"

"Bring me a dream"

"Those who are lost may never find the way"

"Through sadness you have progressed"

"Forgotten in the woods, but never lost"

"The final key shall never match the power of the End Key"

"In fine mundi, earn tibi nihil nisi vitam aut mortem"

Some of these were things to do with Orenen. Albert made the connection that whoever sent him these had some correlation with Orenen. Valorna (her), Cl3maine (who quite enjoys Through My Eyes), or G0Z ("Watch out for Orenen"). Then, there was one that stood out. Numbers. No, coordinates. Albert put them into his phone and arrived at a random point in the forest. It was the same forest down that Magnolia Lane or whatever it was. He didn't really like that it was that close to his house. This was probably some coincidence right? Albert lost himself in the papers not noticing his phone ringing. It was Jake calling, but Albert was too distracted to answer. Albert stopped after a minute and realized, so he called back. Jake answered and they recorded their admin trolling. 

Jake left the call after a good hour and a half, they were talking about random topics (Though, Albert had not mentioned his surprise gift. He knew it wasn't from him due to the quotes on the paper) as most friends do, and Albert went back to the box like a cat.

Maybe he should ask Jake about the boxes, he might know something. Albert decided to call later and occupy his thoughts. He wondered who sent him the box, what's with the coordinates, is there a reason it's near his house, and what was with the quotes. Grumbling slightly, Albert walked off to bed, slumping to sleep.

((A/N: Woo! Finally done with the chapter! I'll move on to a new one, and it'll be PoSiTiVeLy BoNkErS yE! Lmao, anyways... Prepare for a new and unheard chapter that'll come out hopefully soon. Any others you'd like me to add? I'll be adding the circus crew to the best of my ability, as well as a few others. I'll keep Cl3maine and eniam out as much as I can, as Cl3m is a myth hunter who "is just in trouble" and eniam... well, they won't be in too much. But, besides... be careful in this separate world of "Comforting, somehow"

Well, you never know what you might find

I X I X I X I X I X I X I X 

-Rus ;o)

Comforting, somehow. | G0Z X Albert Where stories live. Discover now