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"We don't realize what we have on earth until we leave it."
-James Arthur Lovell


6 years later

"Soups ready!" Monty shouts as I finish sparring with Raven. Everyone was already gathered in the common area where we eat.

"How's Eden?" Monty asks Bellamy as he comes over to sit down at the table we're now seated at.

"Still just a dot." He states.

Eden was the only patch of life on earth now, at least from what we could tell. The planet was desolate and dry except for a small area of green. A little patch of nature we could possibly call home when we get back down again. We always felt the need to keep checking on it, it gave us hope for the future.

"This batch is new and improved." Monty explains as he starts to pour the green goop into bowls.

"How much better can it get?" I tease and grab a bowl from him. We all drink together and then all groan at the taste. It was a bit different, but still absolutely disgusting. Even after six years of this stuff, we could never get use to it.

"Tomorrow I'll work on the antenna to boost the signal. They're down there, they just can't hear us." Raven replies when Bellamy talks about not being able to contact the bunker. Mostly to let them know about Eden.

"Or how about we figure out a way to get down to the ground and tell them ourselves?" I give Bellamy a look to tell him to stop talking but he ignores me.

"Bellamy, she worked on the fuel problem all morning." Emori says trying to defend Raven.

"Six years and seven days." He states.

"Hey, time violation." Harper cuts in. We made an agreement once we hit six years after primfaya not to mention our time in space considering we were suppose to go down a year ago but couldn't. Bringing up the time only added to the stress and desperation of wanting to get back down to the ground. Especially with Raven, she was so hard on herself everyday and even now. She couldn't figure it out but we couldn't fault her, as badass and smart as she is, she's only one person and she can only do so much with what we have.

"Dishes or Murphy." Harper offers his choices for his punishment for bringing up the time.

"I choose Murphy." He says as Monty fills him up another bowl and Bellamy walks out.

Murphy started to act differently after we hit the five year mark. I could tell he lost hope and being up here was making him crazy. He started to fight with Emori a lot until eventually they ended it. He would try to pick fights with us here and there when he could but mostly he chose to keep to himself on part of the ship. I feel for him because I was once in his position too, feeling helpless, lost, little, and confused. One can go crazy in the infinite world that is space.

"It's been two and a half hours and nothing's happened." Murphy says as we all stand watching. There was another ship not too far from us that had seemed to appear out of nowhere. Ever since we spotted it we have been watching it considering we had no idea what or who was on board.

"Something's happening." Echo says as we all watch as something detaches from the ship and starts to descend.

"It's headed for the ground. It' a transport." Raven tries to get the radios working and then she starts to speak into one to see if they could hear us but to no avail there's radio silence.

Once we all made a decision to get into our transport and dock on their ship, we all headed to our rooms to pack. Bellamy got to our room first and started to shove our things in our bags. I couldn't help but freeze at the door. It just hit me. If we're able to get fuel and get to the ground from this new ship, this will be the last time we're on the ark. A place that we called home again for six years. A place that saved us from dying in primfaya. Our home. Our memories. This room that me and Bellamy shared so many 'i love yous' and so many laughs and tears. This place is where me and Bellamy officiated our life together as husband and wife. To think that this will be the last time we'll ever see it, well, it's devastating.

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