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"But I think it's time, a kingdom that is mine."


"Deploying landing legs." Emori shouts as the ship continues to shake as we get closer to the ground. I swallow hard and flip another switch to secure the legs.

"Grid fins activated." The communications voice comes through as the rocket continues to shake. We were so close but one wrong move and we could end up dead.

"Two-hundred meters." The voice says.

"Here we go." Emori says. I grab Bellamys gloved hand in mine and he squeezes as we brace for impact. Suddenly there's a thud and we hit the ground.

"Vertical landing, successful."I let out the breath I was holding and can't help but laugh.

"You did it, Emori. Nice job." I tell her and she smiles as we all take off our helmets.

"You helped." She explains and I snort at that. I barely did anything.

"There's no telling how many people saw us. We need to take cover in the trees before they get to us." Echo ruins the mood. As much as I dislike her, I know she's right. We all exit the ship and I almost cry as my feet touch the ground again. It feels like home, the smells, the buzzing of the bugs, the rustle of the leaves. I look to Bellamy and he smiles at me. We all start to walk away from the ship.

"So how do we find them?" Harper asks.

"We don't. They'll find us." Echo answers.

Suddenly we hear guns cocking and three men come out of the woods guns drawn on us.

"They already have." I sigh.

"Everyone on your knees, now!" One of them yells.

"It's okay, we just want to talk." Bellamy tells them.

"Four of ours are dead. It's time to even the score." The same lady we heard back on the ship says through a radio and my eyes widen.

Before they can shoot a spear goes into the neck of the guy leading them, they all scramble to aim at where it came from and start shooting, it seems to not work because a gun is being fired back and kills the other two. A young girl comes out of the woods with the gun in her hands at her side and I'm even more confused.

"She's just a kid." I say and put my hands down from defending myself.

"Bellamy? Taylor?" Me and Bellamy share a look as she says our name.

"Wha- how do you know who we are?" Bellamy asks her as she steps closer to us.

"Clarke knew you guys would come." Her words send a shock to my heart.

"Clarke's alive?" I ask her close to tears. How could that be?

"Yes, but she's in trouble. We have to go." She grabs both me and Bellamy's arms and starts to drag us away.

"What about the people in the bunker?" Bellamy asks her.

"They're still down there. I'll explain on the way." She says as she lets us go when she sees that we'll follow her. She leads us down a pathway till we get to a rover.

"Get in, I don't know how much time she has." She explains and we all get in. Bellamy sits in the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger seat while the girl hovers in the middle of us ready to direct the way.

"These people that have Clarke, what do they want?" I ask her as Bellamy takes off.

"I don't know, they were chasing us until Clarke made me hide to get them off my tail. They had guns, a lot of them." She explains and my blood turns cold. What are we dealing with here?

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