Chapter 1. The Imperial Prison

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And here is where we begin

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And here is where we begin. The Imperial City Prison District.

The Infamous Seven Deadly Sins we're sitting in a cell

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The Infamous Seven Deadly Sins we're sitting in a cell. They didn't know why they were here or who sent them or why. Ban was arguing with a Dark Elf Prisoner in the cell across the hall, Diane was trying to figure out why she was normal sized while King was comforting her but secretly thrilled about it, Merlin and Gowther were staring out the window wondering why their powers were not working and Escanor was trying to offer any comfort to Merlin, and as for Meliodas well he was sleeping against the wall. It was here I decided to enter his mind.

???: Yo

Meliodas: Whats Up?

???: Wondering why you're all here?

Meliodas: Kinda, but I'm not too worried.

???: Thought so. Well this is all temporary. When we're done here You'll be right back where I found you all.

Meliodas: So whats the job?

???: straight to the point eh? Perfect. Well in short powerful forces are threatening this world and you all are best suited to handle it.

Meliodas: Ok

???: I knew this would be easy but not this easy. Ok you'll understand why a prison soon enough and as for your powers and weapons, well I have a balance to maintain so you're gonna have to make do without them. Chow

He woke up to everyone as Ban was still arguing.

Dark Elf Prisoner: Freaks like you are the reason these cells are always full, blights upon the Empire is what you are. Just waiting to be executed. Oh that's right. You're going to Die here do you hear me? Die!

Ban was just cleaning out his ears.

Ban: Huh? You say something dark boy?

The prisoner just groaned.

Meliodas: Hey guy, we've been given a job to do.

The others listened to his explanation.

Merlin: Well it's a slight inconvenience but we can manage. After acquiring some knowledge.

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