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Seok Y/N

Today, I'm going to a café I usually go before. Stephen and Peter aren't coming with me cause they're busy in their own ways. Like Stephen's busy because he got a call from the company and Peter... I'm having second thoughts in saying this but I won't regret it after all.

He's learning Korean language with Eomma back in the house.

Walking down the busy streets of Korea. Mostly of the people could recognize me, I guess... Since I didn't wore neither a mask, a glasses nor a hat. I'm standing in the side of the lane waiting for the traffic light to turn red for me to cross the pedestrian lane.

While waiting patiently, a group of girl students just happened to know me and asked me if they could take a picture with them and of course I couldn't say no to them. We did it thrice and they thanked and bowed at me and I also bowed 45° to them.

When I noticed the traffic light is already red, I immediately cross the lane and continue finding the café I usually visit when I was a kid. Checking my watch, its nearly four in the afternoon and I sighed not realizing I'm walking nearly an hour.

I fastened my pace and saw a familiar sign and its the xxxx café! Finally! I went inside and its mostly packed. I go to the counter and saw Mr. Ha, the owner of the café. Gosh... His hair turn to white after all those years. Let's see if he can recognize me...

"Good afternoon, young man. Welcome to xxxx café! I'm the owner of this café, I'm Ha Dong Nam. What may I do for you?" I chuckled but inside my mind. Its the same phrase that he's been using back then.

"Good afternoon to you too, Mr. Ha. I would like to order Espresso and your number one and delicious breakfast deluxe and dessert." I smiled and ordered the same food is used to eat here.

"You reminded me of my favorite regular costumer, young man. He said the very the same order you just said... I guess I'm really getting older. I wonder how is he right now." Mr. Ha said and I couldn't help but to smile a little bit. "And your order will be serve not for too long, young man. Is this dine in or take out?"

"I'm dining in, Mr. Ha." I answered and he nodded. I paid my order and before he left the counter to go to the kitchen, I called him out. "About the regular costumer you once had... I'm pretty sure his name is Seok Y/N and he always comes here with a girl named Jisoo, right?"

"How did you know that? Are you Y/N's acquaintance?"

"Not close, Mr. Ha." I shook my head. "I just happened to be Y/N himself. I'm surprised you didn't recognized me when I ordered, Mr. Ha."

"I'll be waiting for my order in my usual table, Mr. Ha. If you don't mind?" I walked away and left him dumbfounded. Did I really change that much? Enough for the people who happened to be my friend before couldn't tell if its me?

I sighed and took out my phone and opened my social media account. I saw numerous post from my friends in UK and some singers, actors, actresses and artist that I worked once with. As I scroll down, I saw Jisoo posting our picture when we're in preschool and to my surprise so many people reacted her post.

Even some kpop idols reacted to it. Then, an idea popped on my mind. What if I post my picture when I was grade schooler? I wonder how my fans and other celebrities and idols are found to react to it...?

And... Posted! Let us see how many people are going to like and comment my post. Few minutes later, Mr. Ha walk to my table with my order.

He puts the order and after that he stared at me. "Are you really Y/N?"

I WISH IT WAS ME ✴ Blackpink FFWhere stories live. Discover now