Comfort and Conflict across my breath

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“Comfort and Conflict across my breath” a quotation from BL game opening that I forget the title >.<”

Get The regret Over
Chapter 2
Comfort and Conflict across my breath

James D. Maslow

I didn’t finish my work yet. Despite the fact, I ended up playing fighting game at the game centre after class. I even almost crushed the button since I pressed it out of control for using extreme combos to beat those challengers. Yes, I had beaten them all with all my internal conflict mixed up with sentimental emotion. I’ve created the new high score and became the king, just like my name. I am James, and I am the king! The beloved king! James David….

Silly…I was just being silly and overreacted…

I sit on the park restlessly, though my heart is very proud as a knight who just beat the dragon and returned home bringing the dragon head. Beating people in virtual world was awesome! It’s almost 08.00 PM. I've got no choice but coming to the reunion tonight. It would be rude if I rejected the invitation. In addition Carlos has booked the table for us, but I am too lazy to move my butt from this chair as my mind already pictures how awkward this reunion would be because of Kendall.

Damn it!

Okay…I am thinking what I should do during the reunion. I will be having face to face encounter with Kendall after he dumped me because of girl I also know. Her name is Jo. Well, she’s gorgeous, perfectionist, somehow inconsistent, and unpredictable. Even Logan and Carlos ever had crush on her at the first time.

One thing about her: I do not like her, because she has taken my man from me. Yes, you can judge me arrogant and jealous. The truth is I am very jealous and pissed to hell when they’re together. What’s more, they ever kissed right in front of me. I seriously wanted to crash this earth onto the sun with amazing psycho kinesis power that moment.

At last, I lift my butt and carry it to the car. As I sit in and started the engine, I am not directly hit the pedal. Yes, so many negative thoughts haunt me. For example: what if Kendall brought his fiancé with him to this reunion? And they were making out in front of us…

That would be rude, right? No way...! Kendall is not that type of guy. He ever had scandal once, but he is full of respect. I guess I should be hurry, it is eight o’clock already! I am going to be late!!

“Where have you been, Jamie?!” Logan shoutes once I arrived at the Vintage restaurant. I was late for almost one hour because you know…traffic…and I was driving lazily. I don’t answer that question quickly, I am peeking at the table where the three are seated and I have to sit right beside Kendall…which has new haircut. Thank God, his fiancé is not here.

“I…am doing some college stuff first…and traffic…rush hour…bla bla bla…” I say rather awkward. Shit, James! You must not speak with that manner! I emotionally want to slap my face inside my mind. Kendall smiles. Carlos orders me to sit down quickly as he pulls my hand off.

“Man…You look awful!” Carlos comments.

I realize at once, I forget to comb my hair, tidy my shirt and take off this messy jacket, I look very horrible. Crap! As the pretty one among the group, my image is so ruined! I stand up for the second, undo my jacket, clean up my shirt, comb my hair with my finger and flipp my bangs.

“My apology, I was really in hurry.” I say, still nervous and quiver a bit beside my old love. “You haven’t ordered the food yet?” I ask, because I was very late and they should have been eaten already.

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