Silent Siren

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Get the Regret Over
Chapter 8:
Silent Siren

James D. Maslow

I leaned down on the beach under the umbrella while Logan and Carlos went for swimming. The sunlight was not as scorching as before and the breeze was not blowing a hot air instead of harmonious wind. The beach was so quiet as I could easily relax and once again napping. Funny, because there’s not much people around here, only life guard, the three of us and few people. That’s honestly creepy, but I enjoyed my time here alone with the resonating zephyr in my ears.

Ah sometimes life is just so wonderful…I murmured. No Kendall, No Jo, No Beau in this area, I felt so safe and peaceful. I guessed they’re my most heavy burden in my life—my source of misery and agony.

I shut my eyes slightly, fading myself into unconsciousness and began to move to the other side of the world. As I still half realized that my body was rolled aside and sniffed the tiny pillow the place where my head leaned on. Being blown by cool breeze, the dream absorbed me at slow pace, until a sound suddenly pulled me back to reality.

Damn it! I immediately opened my eyes as wide as I could and found out where those sound—a ringtone came from. It was on Logan’s bag—his phone was ringing. I quickly opened it and checked the caller ID—it was written mom. I twisted my head around and looked for Logan: he was playing with Carlos—splashing water to their faces each other and laughed a lot. I stood up and headed for them, bringing Logan’s phone on my hand.

“Hey, Logiebear!” I shouted. Logan turned his head on me. “Mommy’s calling!”

He ran to me right away, got his phone and picked it up. Logan was back to the spot where we put our stuffs and umbrella, while Carlos asked me to build sand castle. I was laughing, because it’s so cute—the way he asked me—seriously a lot like my niece. Logan and Carlos would never get old, I guess.

“James, this is where King Carlos lives…” He stated, building a castle without any other shape except the shape of bucket.

“How does King Carlos enter his castle when it doesn’t have a door?” I said, following his childish conversation.

“Teleporting!” He answered confidently, drawing a circle nearby the bucket-shaped castle. “There’s an arcane circle here, and when King Carlos casted the magic spell, he will be teleported inside.”

I immediately marveled at him. What an amazing fantasy. Carlos always had such epic imagination, unlike me who’s much thinking according to theory and reality. Well, I do have some kind of fantasy but not it’s as high and frequent as Carlos.

“What is the spell, King Carlos?” I taunted his eyebrows, shading a tricky smirk of smart-ass villain on my face.

“I shall not tell thou the spell, evil Warlock!” Carlos yelled. “Thou art not going in to my castle!”

“Then feel the wrath of mine, King Carlos…I will curse thy country with my mystic power!” *Laughed evilly*

“I shall not lose to an evil warlock like thou!” We’re laughing. “Aren’t you supposed to be Knight instead of evil Warlock, Sir James?” He questioned.

“It was a long time ago, Carlos. I already retired.” I sighed. It’s weird that we kept reviewing my role as knight whereas it was just some kind of joke. I was not really a knight, I was just in love with someone and I wanted to protect him like knight.

“You, a knight? You gotta be kidding me!” That high and cynical tone raided my ears without warning— I had no doubt guessing whose voice it is. Carlos and I quickly rolled our neck and looked who’s talking—you must be pretty sure it was Jo, right. “Kendall is a Knight…that’s why his name is Kendall Knight and you simply bigheaded filthy peasant who’s actually got nothing.” She pointed his index finger at me—seemed a lot like queen who was putting judgment.
His name is Kendall Schmidt, ya moron!
(Sorry, I know Kendall Knight was the name of character Kendall portrayed, I just wanted to insult her).

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