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I walk out into the morning sun still chuckling to myself about the interaction I had just had with Juice inside.

"What's got you so perky this morning?" Bobby asks as I approach the table where he, Jax, and Tig are sitting.

"Fun night with Jax I'm guessin'" Tig chimes in making himself and Bobby laugh as I roll my eyes.

"More like thankful for this coffee" I reply and take a seat on the bench.

"I got a job for you today B. Club needs some surveillance down at Darby's" Jax chimes in, ignoring his two brothers.

"Okay. Am I looking for anything specific?" I ask

"Yeah. We think he is starting to sell crank outta his place" Tig explains. "You just gotta keep track of who's going in and out and how long they're inside for".

"Sounds easy enough. I'll head down in a bit".

"Thanks B. Oh and take the Prospect with you. I ain't got much use for him around here today and he could use a lesson from the best on stakeouts" Jax says with a smile. Tig and Bobby stub out their cigarettes and walk towards the Clubhouse while Jax hops down from the table. "And last night was fun" he says with a wink before following the two other men into the building.

I smile in response. This thing with Jax is fun and fulfills my physical needs. It is temporary of course, soon Wendy will be out of rehab and sober for a while and the two of them will give it another go. Those times are always a bit awkward for me because it is like a switch in Jax and I's relationship, flipped back to friends only. Plus, Wendy is always around which ends up making me feel guilty. As I walk back into the Clubhouse, I let my mind wander for a minute to the possibility of Juice and I being together somewhere down the line. I can picture it not only because he is attractive and seemingly a sweetheart, but also because it would a second chance to have the two things I crave; a love and to keep my family.

Juice has moved on to cleaning the clutter off the tables and pool tables. "Hey! Jax has an errand for us to run. Let me know when you're ready". I go back to the dorms to change into one of the few outfits I leave here. Spending a significant amount of time in the car with Juice, might as well dress to impress. I choose a pair of cut off shorts that are probably a little too short, with a grey tank top that crosses in the front and has a deep V neckline, showing off my breasts quite nicely. I tie my hair up in a fishtail braid to finish off the look.

Once I am ready, I head back out to the main room of the Clubhouse and Juice informs me that he is ready to go. He starts to head to his Dyna and I call to him, "Nope, not today Prospect. Today we are taking the cage". I nod towards my escalade (a gift to myself when I was able to access my parent's money) and hop into the driver's seat. Juice follows, climbing into the passenger's side and sighs. "I hate driving cages" he shares.

I chuckle. This is the sentiment of most of the guys in the MC. "It's a necessary evil for our errand today so accept it"

"So what are we doing that has us in this hot as hell shit box?" he asks.

"Hey! Its not a shit box, it's my baby. Also, the AC is on..." Insert eyeroll, "... And we are going on a stakeout" I inform him, and I can't help but smile. I love going on stakeouts; it is fun for me and makes me feel worthwhile to the club.

Juice looks at me with a half-cocked smile and a raised eyebrow, "Shit seriously? Jax has you doing stakeouts for the club?"

"Why so surprised?" I ask

"I dunno. Just didn't think that Club business is something they usual have girls doin'." He earns another eye roll. "You must be someone pretty special to them huh?"

I laugh, "Yea I guess you could say that. I've been doing stakeouts for them since I was sixteen. Jax says I blend in well." and I shrug.

He looks at me like he is studying me, and I feel my cheeks begin to redden. Then he turns and faces his attention back towards the road, not saying another word. The drive to Darby's place is not long and I park inconspicuously down the road enough to not be noticed but close enough to see the building. I put the car in park and crack the windows to let the breeze in. Thankfully it is not too hot today and there is a nice wind that is picking up to cool down the inside of the car as we sit. I give Juice the rundown of what we are looking for.

"So, since we are going to be here for a while..." Juice begins as he looks over at me once again, "...are you gonna tell me what your deal is?"

"My deal?" I ask

"Yea your deal. I have known you for a while now, but I feel like I don't really know anything about you". He responds and he is not wrong. We haven't had much time for personal chit chat, but now there is nothing else to do but wait and talk.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours" I say with a smile.

"Fair enough" he smiles back. "You first".

I sigh and begin to tell him about my parents passing away and Gemma taking me in and how the club is my family.

"Jesus" he interrupts me and sighs. "I am sorry about your parents. And I am really sorry about assuming that you were a Croweater". He looks embarrassed.

I laugh a little, "It's fine really. I was just giving you a hard time this morning".

He looks over at me and look relieved. "Okay so now I know about you and the club. If you don't mind me asking, what about you and Jax?"

I knew this was coming so I explain to him that Jax and I had dated for two years when I was eighteen. I explained that he and Wendy are now married but unhappily and that he and I are still close. He listens intently and doesn't seem off put by any of the information I have shared with him. After a moment of silence, he turns to me.

"Well lucky for us a year isn't too long of a time huh?" He says with that grin of his that makes me want to lunge over the middle of the car and kiss him.

As I am about to respond, Juice points out a shitty looking old car pull up to Darby's and a man gets out and enters the building. Not more than two minutes later the man comes back out and leaves. There's one, I think to myself and write down the time the man came and left on a notepad.

After the note is written I turn back to Juice, "Your turn" I say.

Juice tells me about his shitty home life growing up and his experience with a gang back in New York. He explained how that situation ended badly so he left. He told me that he got on his bike and left with no place to go and ended up in Charming. I couldn't help but ask a bunch of questions about his cross- county bike ride and he was happy to tell me stories from the trip. The conversation carried on easily, stopping only when various cars pulled up to Darby's, and before we knew it, three hours had passed.

"I think we have all the information we need here. Ready to go?" I ask Juice as I text Jax to let him know that we are headed back to the Clubhouse.

"Sure" he pauses, "I had a really good time with you today Brooke".

"Yea, me too Juice." I reply and start the car. I really had had a good day. Usually I considered stakeouts my "me time" because I would spend the hours listening to music and thinking. Having Juice here today though was a different kind of good. It was nice getting to know him and hearing his story. It was also nice telling him mine and seeing that he was genuinely interested. I enjoyed his company and his presence, and I hoped to be able to spend more time with him soon. It wasn't long before we pulled onto the TM lot and our silent car ride was over. We both hop out and I hand the written note pad page over to Juice.

"You can take it from here" I say to him with a smile and hand him the note as I turn to head to the TM office and he turns to head to the Clubhouse. Simple is not something that one gets a lot of when their family is SOA, but today with Juice seemed simple and I like that.

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