Unexpected Phone Call

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Nine months pass quickly with nothing much exciting happening with the club and work went on as usual. Juice and I grew closer and I couldn't help but develop feelings for him. His energy is so alluring to me and our friendship is now strong. About a month ago, Jax noticed how much time I was spending with Juice and caught me looking at him from across the clubhouse one night.

"You're into the prospect aren't you?" He asked me casually while sipping his beer.

I could feel my face redden a bit, not exactly a comfortable conversation to have with your ex. But I also knew that even attempting to lie to him would be considered a fail. "I uh...I dunno. Maybe".

"Maybe my ass" he replies with a smile. "He's got what, three more months till he gets patched in? Unless he does anything stupid." He pauses and looks at me, "I think he is good for you Brooklyn".

I am taken back a bit by his comment. Not because I thought he would be jealous because that is not where Jax and I are anymore, but because he basically just gave me his blessing. Which is surprising because he along with the other guys treat Juice like they think he is the dumbest guy to ever meet the MC. I smile, "You think?"

"Yea I do. You told me when we broke up that you couldn't do the 'Old Lady thing'. Couldn't be the type of Old Lady I need, and maybe you were right about that. This shit has been engrained in me since I was a kid, just the way life is. But Juice is different, and I think he wouldn't expect the same shit. Also, it is so clearly obvious that he walks around pining after you. Kinda like watching a puppy." He finishes his sentence with a smirk which makes my face redden even more.

I think about what he said, and I guess that is one of the reasons I am so drawn to Juice. He is softer than the rest of the guys, but not in a bad way. He can hold his own with club stuff and has become an important member of the MC. After many hours thinking about it, I determine that he is simply more empathetic and that is part of my draw towards him.

Since I had that conversation with Jax he and I have not had sex at all. In fact, a few weeks ago he and Wendy reconnected since it seems like she is doing better for now. I am happy for him and happy about the way we ended. I was starting to feel guilty about sleeping with Jax and having feelings for Juice.

Today is a hot summer day and the air conditioner has broken in the TM office; it is uncomfortable and sticky, and I am irritable. My phone rings showing an unknown number which makes me grunt in frustration, but I decide to answer anyway.


"Hi, is this Brooklyn?"

"Yea" I answer shortly.

"Brooklyn, this is your aunt Rebecca." I feel my face go white, I haven't heard from my parent's family in years, since their funeral. I was never close to the extended family, only my grandparents for portions of my childhood. My mom's parents lived in Florida and we visited them once a year until my grandmother passed away when I was nine and my grandfather when I was eleven. My dad's dad was never in the picture and his mom lives in Santa Barbara. We used to be close until suddenly around the age of thirteen my parents must have had a falling out with her because I never saw her after that. Rebecca is my dad's sister.

After a long pause I manage to squeak out, "Okay".

"I know it must be odd hearing from me after all these years," she continued "But I just wanted to let you know that your grandmother passed away. Her funeral is in Santa Barbara this weekend and I wanted to tell you in case you wanted to come."

I don't know what to say to her so all I manage is "O...Okay. Thank you for calling." And I hang up the phone. I take a breath to process the information that I just received. I hate that I don't know how to feel about any of it. I haven't been close to my grandmother in almost ten years but she was the last biological family member I had ever been close to.

I decide I need to go to the funeral, regardless of how awkward it will be. I open the door to the garage and call across it to where Jax is working, "Hey Jax, can I talk to you for a minute?"

He takes his time coming into the TM office. "What's up B?" he asks kindly.

"I uh...I just got a call from my aunt."

"Your aunt?" He asks. "I didn't know you had any family left"

"I don't. I mean not really. She was my dad's sister. My grandmother died."

"Awe Jesus." He says and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry Brooklyn". He holds me for a while before pulling away.

"Yea thanks. The funeral is this weekend is Santa Barbara. Was hoping to go..." I trail off.

"You wanna go down to Santa Barbara?" He asks skeptically, "By yourself?"

"Hadn't really thought about the details, just got the call. Grandma is the last person in my family I had any sort of relationship with" I explain.

"Yea okay" He says with his eyes softening a bit "Why don't you bring the prospect?"

"Sure" I say absentmindedly. "Thanks Jax".

He nods, giving me another hug before returning to the garage. It is a weird feeling losing someone you were once close to. It isn't the same feeling as losing my parents, obviously, and I think it is my lack of feeling that concerns me the most. I cared about my grandma at one time, but now I don't know her and yet I feel an obligation to say goodbye.

Later in the day, Juice comes into the office, "I heard about your grandma. I'm sorry Brooke" He says and gives me a hug.

"Thanks Juice" I say with a smile. "I haven't really had contact with her since I was like thirteen but I wanna say goodbye ya know?"

He simply nods and I continue, "Did Jax tell you that your assigned to security detail?" I ask with a smile.

He laughs a little "He did."

"We'll leave Friday morning if that sounds okay?"

"Sounds like a plan Brooklyn" He says and I return to work feeling a bit better than I had earlier in the day.

Friday comes and I am sitting in my room blasting music. I hate how big and quiet this house is so whenever I am home, I have music playing. I am just finishing packing my backpack and as I see a figure appear in my doorframe an I jump half a mile.

"Jesus Juice! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry! If your damn music wasn't playing so loud you would have heard me knocking" he teased. "Ready to go?" He asks.

I breathe, "Yea I am ready" I reply. I find myself actually excited about the long bike ride down the coast. I haven't ridden with Juice yet and the thought of my arms around him for such a long time is exciting. Anxiety can't help but creep into my mind over powering any excitement as I think about seeing my family. I choose to focus on the present as I get on the back of Juice's bike and hold on as we begin to ride.

The breeze hits my face and I instantly feel relaxed. The lackluster scenery of Charming eventually turns into ocean viewsas we speed down the California Highway. I rest my head against Juice's back and close my eyes briefly reveling in the rush, mentally preparing myself for the upcoming days of family that has been long lost.

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