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Akatsuki's Blood Blossom

Chapter 10


"My uncles are coming!" I exclaimed. Shivering slightly an image of my uncles Nagato and Yahiko teasing me appeared in my mind.

The Hokage looked so confused. "What's so bad about your uncles coming?"

I placed one hand on the wall next to me as I held up a finger with my other hand. "Hold on a second, I need to breathe..." I said as Kyo was still unconscious on the floor and watched as the color drained from Jirou's face and turn into a statue. All of this greatly shocked the Hokage.

'Just what the hell is wrong with these uncles!?' thought Minato.

End Re-cap


Sakura's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since we've heard that my uncles will be joining my parents in the up coming exam. I had told the Hokage about my uncles and he seemed to think it was rather funny. I shook my head from those thoughts as I jumped back from one of Gaara's sand attacks.

I've been helping him with controlling the Shukaku. So far nothing bad has happened. He almost lost control a few times but he snapped back pretty quickly.

It was around three in the afternoon when it happened. Gaara and his siblings had just left to go back home after training since three in the morning. Twelve hours of non stop training could really tire a person out, so I can't really blame them. Anyways, I was sitting down, leaning on the root of a tree in a not so used training ground watching my teammates spar when a blur of orange and yellow tackled me to the floor, making my squeak and my teammates stop their sparing session.

"Sakura-chan!" I looked up to see blonde hair, blue eyes and whisker marks; I knew who this person was almost instantly.

"Naruto!? What are you doing here? I thought you left the village for some training?"

"I did! We just got back!"

"That fast?"

"Yup! I went with the Pervy-sage to go find this old woman, Tsunade I think is what her name was."

'Tsunade? Why does that name sound so familiar?' I thought while Naruto finally got off of me and helped me up.

"Naruto, if you were busy looking for someone how did you even manage to get any training in?"

"Trust me, it wasn't easy, but nothing is impossible for the future Hokage!" I giggled slightly at his words. 'This guy...'

"So uh, what were you doing out here Sakura-chan?"

"Oh, I was just taking a break from training so I decided to watch my teammates spar." I said looking over at Kyo and Jirou who went back to their fight when they realized I was okay. Naruto opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when someone else I've never heard before said; "Naruto, where have you been, we were looking everywhere for ya. Huh? Who's this?"

This man had white long spiky hair, red lines going down his face and a wart on his nose... how attractive.

"Huh? Oh, this is Sakura no Akatsuki, ninja whose here to take the chunin exams from Ame." His eyes widen for a moment before returning to normal, and then he smiled kindly at me.

"Hello, my name is Jiraiya. I'm Naruto's godfather, I'm also his sensei." well this surprised me.

"His sensei? I thought that Kakashi was his sensei?"

"He is, but I'm personally teaching Naruto for the exams." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth. 'Guess that makes sense. Kakashi is teaching Sasuke... or so I've heard, that left Naruto alone since his father was too busy with duties as Hokage, so I guess this man filled in that position..'

"Well it was nice meeting you Sakura, but Naruto and I have to go, the Hokage is expecting us three in his office any moment now." I waved good-bye as I watched them both walk back the way they came, a woman meeting them half way as the three of them walked off. 'Guess that was Tsunade.'

"Hey Sakura, ready to go back to the hotel?" asked Kyo as he and Jirou were getting their stuff packed and ready to leave. I nodded and followed suit.

Once we got to our temporary apartment, thanks to the Hokage, I let the guys take a shower first; they smelled like Britney Spears on a Tuesday... yeah... that bad...

While Kyo was in the shower and Jirou was in the room getting dressed I was out in the living room area when there was a knock at the door.

"I got it!" I yelled rushing to the door. To my complete and utter surprise, Itachi and Shisui Uchiha stood in front of me. My shoulders suddenly grew tense and I was on edge.

"Can I help you?" I asked, voice never wavering. Itachi spoke up.

"My father would like it if you and your teammates joined us for dinner tonight?" he asked, though it sounded more like he was telling me what we were going to do.

... ok, at that moment I wish I had never answered the door. 'What would the Uchiha clan head want from me?' I thought, panicking slightly. However I silently praised myself for not showing any emotion on my face. I was about to reply but before I could utter anything two new voices spoke up behind me.

"We would love to." I turned around and saw both Kyo and Jirou standing there, however Jirou was only in his boxers and Kyo only had a towel wrapped around his waist and there was still soap in his hair, honestly the both look so ridiculous I wanted to laugh because they look so ridiculous but serious! So I bit my lip to keep anything from coming out of my mouth.

I'm so glad that the Uchiha's decided not to say anything about their appearance and just nodded and disappeared with a poof. Only after the door had closed did I start laughing my ass off while pointing my finger at the both of them making them blush and run back to the rooms they were just in, the only problem though was that Kyo had ran to the bedroom and Jirou ran to the bathroom, the complete opposite rooms they were supposed to be in. Not two seconds later did they walk out; nod to one another, and walk into the right rooms to finish what they were doing. Man, the day so far has been great, just hope that the dinner tonight with the Uchiha's doesn't ruin anything.

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