Chapter 4

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She then realized, it was the person she was waiting for her whole entire life! All the thoughts and what if's had been coming back! It was who she loved and always wanted to be with! It was Savannah Parks' mom!  She could not believe it!  Instead of punching her or slapping her for putting her own daughter in such fear, she struggled with all, and I mean all, of her strength to rip the rope, which she did, and hug her mother! Her beloved mom which everyone thought she was gone forever!

 As Zoey and Autumn were still staring in fright, they looked at each other, and realized what was happening, all of their best friends dreams and hopes were coming true! They didn't care that they got kidnapped, they didn't care if they were in fright! They were so happy for their favorite person in the world to be happy... They both saw tears streaming down Savannah's face as she was still hugging her mom. Her mother was hugging back her tightest she possibly could. It was for sure quite the reunion. 

Then all of a sudden, their thoughts came running back to their heads.. Why would she kidnap them? When they looked at each other and been realizing what had happend. The "mom" turned to both, with a scary grin on her face, and BOOM! 

Complete blackout

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