Chpt. 2

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"Focus Quinn! It's not like the dummy can shoot back!" Athena said from her viewing point on the balcony.

" I am!! I am just not having the best day, ok. I am trying?" Quinn yelled as she threw her bow to the ground.

Startled, Athena took a second to think about what to say next. She knew life could be hard, especially for someone like Quinn. But that still did not constitute the disrespect happening in this room.

     " I get that, but you still don't get to talk to me like that. Deep breaths, calm the fire in you eyes."

      "I'm sorry I'm just really not feeling well. May I please take a break?" Quinn sounded so defeated. It broke Athena's heart.

        "Five minutes, and then we get back to work."

——————Quinn's Perspective—————

         Quinn walked up the stairs in three seconds flat. She had to get away. Away from people, away from life, away from all of it. If only for five minutes.

           The pressure that was in the air, Quinn swore could break bones. People always thinking she was different and had to act that way. Her grandmother pushing her to her breaking point, and the thought of why her parents abandoned her. She felt so worthy to take all of the blame and responsibility of what she was. Or more so what people thought she should be.

As she stepped into her room, Pola, her giant white wolf dog, came charging.

"Wooah!! Pola calm down, it's not like you haven't seen me all day." Quinn said sarcastically with a sad grin. She hated being away from Pola all day, but with her schoolwork and training, she just didn't have time.

"Do you want to go on a quick walk?


Sorry for the short chapters! As a new writer I have trouble going very far in a chapter. If you have any suggestions, just let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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