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"And I was like, what? Like, what?"

"He's not even that cute."

"Um, yes he IS. Put respect where it deserves to be put, please," Kareena argues with Hidaya, before sinking into Gabby's couch and starting back up her story over a guy working at Taco Bell.

"Anyways, he handed me my change and literally caressed my hand," she starts again, and lays the upper half of her body down, resting her head on Layla's head.

When my mom heard I had been invited to a girl's night, I thought she was going to drop and have a stroke in front of my face. Apparently, even she didn't have faith in me gaining friends inside a town that cheered when I left.

The truth of this meeting was that we were all waiting for the clock to strike Monday, and the results of the Hunt partners to release. Kareena had sent an email the moment entries opened, so her and I were in the clear. Everyone else, minus Hidaya, waited in a pool of nervousness for the chart. The game officially started next week, to my knowledge, since there would be an informational meeting and any finalizing touches before all hell broke loose.

People, such as Layla, wanted nothing more than to be stuck with a random partner, which I found confusing. If I'm paying to play a game I'm going to win (and every competitive cell in Kareena and I's bodies said this), then why would I risk my chances with a stranger? It's like when the teacher draws sticks for a partner assignment. Chances are you're screwed.

Kareena and I had it all planned out, though. Ever since I had entered and learned about the prize money, the two of us have been strategizing to the max, with tips that previous winners had given Kareena.

"So I'm like, are you serious? I'm dressed like Oscar the fucking Grouch here to see Cars 3 with my little brother, and our paths happen to cross again? What type of sorcery is that?" I tune into Kareena's story, who was now standing in front of us and theatrically explaining what happened, walking around the coffee table that Gabby's mom was so proud of.

When Kareena's story was over and had successfully killed me of second hand embarrassment, she passed the spoon that was being used as a microphone to Hidaya, who was next on the story-time list. We had two hours to kill until midnight, and while the thought of sleep was tempting due to the fact that school would force me to wake up early in the morning, I decided against it. After all, my junior year would be filled with sleepless nights, so I might as well fill one with an actual good memory. I wasn't tired anyways.

Five seconds into Hidaya's story and Layla was shaking my arm, pulling me awake.

"Are you sleeping during my story?" Hidaya asks, seemingly hurt. My cheeks went red as I apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna go get some water to wake up," I announce, and watch as Gabby and Layla share a menacing look.

"Everyone up!" Gabby announces, clapping her hands in effect, and Hidaya groans.

"I knew this would happen," she mumbles, digging into the bag she brought for a polyester slip-on hijab, then pulling out separate articles of clothing.

"Yes!" Kareena yelled in excitement, and the pieces clicked when she pulled out a pink bikini, followed by everyone else searching their bags.

I, on the other hand, didn't even know Gabby had a pool. Which is why I stood still as everyone else got ready to swim.

As my new group of friends sprint to the nearest place to change, I stood there awkwardly until Gabby approached me.

"Do you know how to swim?"

"Uh, yeah. I just didn't know you had a pool," I answered, hoping that she would conclude I didn't bring a swimsuit. The closest thing I had was the nylon shorts I was wearing now, along with a black Shawn Mendes shirt.

XOXO, Rachel FinchWhere stories live. Discover now