Chapter 1/Part 4/I need food!

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[Rewritten version]

Rosa could hear the loud and pretty raindrops.She had always liked the rain despite being a fire dragon.It just majestic and reminds her of a day her childhood where she first learned how to disguise herself as a human.This meant that she would no longer be hunted by humans and could live in peace.Too bad that this is an ability only dragon royals possess.Only if the whole race had this would be so much easier.They wouldn't need to suffer by the hand of those monsters that call them monsters.I mean come on whose the monster here the hunters or hunted.They are not even that dangerous dragons just sleep all day because they have nothing else to do.They don't even eat anything so that can't be their problem,no.They only kill dragons for the money those greedy degenerates.

Never mind that, Jim was talking with Max confused as always. "Sooo what your trying to tell me is that I cannot be informed about what my powers are?" The little black haired male asked.

"Yes that would be the case," Max said with a bit of hostility since he was still angry after another fight with his 'beloved' sister.

"Why is that my dear brother?" the 'beloved' sister asked with her bed hair since she had just woken up ,after a mission, and the first thing she wanted to do was annoy her brother. "Because it would be easier to focus on his basic assassin abilities and training first then look at his powers otherwise he will be overwhelmed," Max said after losing his red face because it would be a nuisance when training Jim.

Lilac proceeded to walk up to Max's face to make her point clear, "And who are you to say that the cutie will be overwhelmed huh?" She asked while winking at Jim who cringed at the thought of ever being together with someone with no shame.

"I'm the leader of the assassins that's who I truly am.I have the right to choose how I train my pupils unlike a lower life form like you." He said while standing up extra straight to look taller and more intimidating. "B*tch what you say to me!" Lilac snapped after 14 minutes and 57 seconds of being calm, truly a personal record. "Hey I didn't say anything that's worth getting angry over so why are you f*cking cursing.I'm only stating facts."

At this point Jim gave up on listing to them and decided to ignore them since this was a daily and repetitive thing so if he missed it now he would see the exact same thing less than an hour later.

Max has a great mind and is quite self centred. 'Oh great we got into another argument and that idiot can't even pay attention.How dare he ignore me the great assassin.I mean at least I'm unconsciously saying comebacks to my sister so she doesn't think that she is above me even though she is since she's the first born.'

'Uum why are they fighting this always happens' Kal thought still hiding using his abilities, truly an example of a shy little boy through and through.

Max didn't take that thought kindly and decided that he would have to have a come back otherwise he would be betraying his morals 'Well Kal I'll answer your question in my head; because I f*cking can because I'm bored but I will not say that I'm front of you because your a precious cinnamon roll that must be protected.' Max had shining eyes which creeped out Jim because people don't usually be happy after being insulted...well except masochists but surely Max wasn't one?

'I'm hungry and need food.I made sure that that was my dominant thought so Max will hear it and tell me that it is time to eat.' A hungry child thought drooling at the thought of chocolate cake but who wouldn't drool at that.

"Seriously, you just had food an hour ago!" Max complained since he really couldn't be bothered to ask the chef to make some food at that moment. "Yes a full hour ago that's long enough and plus what do you expect from be I am in training to be an assassin of course I'm going to need more food than usual!" He justified while hovering his fist over his heart to make it look like he was suffering to get some sympathy for food.

"Yeah give him some food so I can watch I love watching him eat." A certain creep said looking creepily at her brothers disciple. "Never mind I lost my appetite." the disciple said frowning with disgust. "Oh come on I was looking forward to this!"

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