Here Piggy Piggy

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They raced towards the island, leaving the advancing mob behind. With the path already cleared, they quickly reached the island. The pigs continued to attract attention. There was an even bigger crowd around the pigs, as zombies approached from the far side of the bridge. There was no way the car could race through unnoticed.

Alex said, "Chaz, maybe if we go really slow, they'll hardly notice us. They're not the brightest bunch. If we stay under five mph we could kinda gradually nudge them aside. We could just lock the doors and stay low."

Christa joined in. "Maybe even cover ourselves up, so they can't see us through the windows. All they would see is a piece of metal on wheels creeping along. The pigs would keep them distracted. They really smell a lot more than we do."

"I don't like it," Chaz replied. "There's no back-up if they figure it out. We'll never get past the truck."

"Wait, stop up there next to those bodies," Christa said.

"We don't have time for sightseeing, little girl, we need to get past that truck of pigs and to the other side of this bridge before that crowd gets any worse."

"I've got an idea; just get out your knives. This should actually make things easier."

Reluctantly, Chaz pulled up next to the corpses, a few hundred feet from the pigs. They could smell the stench and hear their squeals from here. They pigs were in a panic from all the zombie activity around the truck.

"If we cover the car with zombie guts, it will mask our smell from the pack, don't you think?" Christa said.

Alex thought for a second. "It may just work; certainly couldn't hurt. We've got time before the second horde closes in."

"Let's get hacking and slashing, kids", Chaz replied.

Alex and Chaz removed arms, legs, heads, feet, and hands from the nearest corpses. The bones were brittle, so whatever their knives couldn't cut, they snapped with their bare hands. Christa grabbed a small shovel from the trunk, and started scooping up remains and throwing them onto the hood and trunk. The windshield and hood were soon covered with an assortment of arms, legs, guts, intestines, and bodily fluids. They wouldn't be driving that fast, but they did their best to secure parts to the car. The antenna sported a head skewered through the neck, and out through one of the eyeballs. Chaz open the engine hood and closed it with a few legs hanging out. Arms dangled from door handles, tied with fragments of shirt sleeve. Christa flung fluids and squishy parts over the windows. She left a bit clear on the driver’s side to aid steering. By the time they finished, the car looked like it had been decorated by a school of serial killers. The horde from behind grew closer and closer.


Hope you enjoyed the sample of this story.  You can get the rest of the story on Amazon here:

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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