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Father's day special!

Keith knew all the techniques of falling asleep, especially when he is roommates with a single parent with two kids. He tried every technique but tonight wasn't just his night. He lay there in his room, snuggled up in his sheets, waiting for his woeful self to fall asleep.

He remembered meeting Lance. He remembered the memory vividly, how desperate Lance was to get a roommate who would help him in his expenses. Keith, not wanting to live in a house where Matt and Shiro did the do every single night, decided he should find another place to stay. He rolled over the bed, now recalling the moment when he first saw Lance's kids; Percy and Luna. It was a day to get to know a little bit of each other and see if Keith would be an okay roommate for Lance.

Okay was an understatement to Lance. Keith didn't know that.

Percy's first words to Keith upon seeing him was: "You got pretty drawings on your arm, mister!" His hair all messed up and curly, silver eyes shining in amazement, looking at Keith in awe. He knew all too well the nine year old boy was referring to his tattoos.

Lance accepted him to be his roommate that day. Keith moving in Lance's house after a week.

Luna didn't say much when Keith moved in, hiding behind Lance's leg, clinging to him as always.

Living with those three for three months was a new experience for Keith. It almost made him feel like he was intruding in the family, that was until he had to take the two kids to school when Lance had gotten ill. What brought Keith to shock was when the small quiet little six year old girl gave him a hug and told him: "Thank you for taking care of papa." And then running off to class, trailing behind her older brother when they entered the school.

Thinking of that fond memory made his chest feel warm, just like that time when he found Lance reading The Little Mermaid to Luna and Percy at night in their bedroom before the little gremlins go to sleep.

Keith admired Lance, how he carried himself, how he managed to be a good role model in front of his children, not showing his exhaustion from working six days straight in a week.

And As Lance read the bedtime stories, Keith fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and all at once.

Just as Keith's eyes close shut, falling asleep on his bed as he cuddled a pillow. His eyes shot open when he felt a weight on his back.

"You drool when you sleep, mister Keith!" Percy remarked, waking Keith up.

Keith stuffed his face on his pillow. "Kid, go back to your room. Your dad wouldn't like it if he found out you're awake at this time of night."

Percy stood up on Keith's back, walking on top of him.

"Kid, get off!" Keith whisper shouted, not wanting to wake Luna and Lance. "I'm trying to sleep."

Percy got off Keith's back carefully. His bare feet now on the cold floor, he still tried shaking Keith awake. "Pwease? Keith, wake up. It's very... important."

Keith huffed, pulling off the blanket and sitting down on his bed, his hair looking like a bird's nest.  He gave up. The room was still dark, meaning it was still night. His eyes met Percy's blue ones, and they looked sleepy and tired. Keith rubbed his eyes while Percy stared at him and waited. 

"Kid, what time is it?"

Percy raised three fingers at him. Keith's eyes widened. Three am? Why is this kid awake in three am?

"What do you need help with? Do you need to pee? Did you have a nightmare?" Keith yawned, patting the space beside him on the bed. Percy shook his head no, crawling up on Keith's bed to take a sit.

"It's father's day today and I wanna go surprise papa when he wakes up." Percy said, determination in his voice.

"And you're asking for my help?"

"I want you to drive me to the mall. I need to buy papa a gift." Percy respond quickly.

"The mall isn't open until eleven in the morning, though..." Keith says, quietly. He felt himself melt when he saw how determined the little boy was to give his father a gift. Lance being a really good dad and all.

Percy looked down, playing with the sleeve of his blue pajamas with yellow stars on them. Keith guessed that Percy was thinking hard of a way to get Lance a father's day gift. He didn't like seeing Lance's kids sad. It's like seeing Lance sad. He didn't like it one bit.

An idea clicked on him. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Kid—" Percy looked up at him, with hopeful eyes. "Let's go get your dad a gift okay?"

"Does that mean the mall is open, mister Keith?" Percy gasped.

Keith ruffled the brunette's hair, his sleepiness was now gone. "No, but I have an idea." Keith stood up, stretching, grabbing his keys inside the drawer. He was wearing a dark gray shirt and sweatpants.

Percy's smile widens, his voice giddy. "Are we going to ride your motorbike?"

"Yeah, kid. Don't tell your dad." Keith smiled at him as he wore his jacket and fingerless gloves.

Percy squealed in excitement, almost jumping up and down until Keith shushed him. Keith tossed the kid a smaller helmet. Percy catching it, proud of himself for doing so.

Keith kneeled down to Percy's height. "We better be quiet when going out okay? We don't want to wake your sister nor your dad up. Understood?"

Percy nodded, his eyebrows furrowed in determination and a wide smile on his freckled face.

"Let's go."

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