CH 1/tired

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While golden child where practicing for their comeback their Maknae bomin was running out of breath and it was clear that he was tired he stopped a few times to catch his breath but daeyeol stopped and went to "are you ok?" He asked looking concerned "yes hyung im ok just out of breath" he answered but everytime they were practicing bomin would stop to catch his breath after that Y decided that they should go home and so they did when they got back home they changed and went to have dinner bomin looked at his plate not having the appetite to eat "bomin-ah" bomin looked and noticed joochan looking at him "won't you eat" bomin smiles at his hyung and said "I'm not really hungry" and he looked down "but you were practicing all day you have to eat something" Y looked concerned "do you feel sick" bomin looked up "no hyung im ok" but Y wasn't sure "I will go and sleep now I'm tired" he went to the bedroom to try and sleep "what is up with him" asked jaehyun "he hasn't been like that lately" the members were worried that he would end up getting sick "I'm sure he is just tired" young taek said that in a concerned tone.At 3:30 in the morning bomin found himself unable to sleep because of a stomachache he was sweating while tossing and turning in his bed as soon as he felt that he was in so much pain he was urgent to go to the bathroom he got out of bed and ran to the bathroom entering and leaving the door half open and threw up his lunch by the sound of throwing up jang joon woke up and was terrified to see their Maknae like that he was pale and sweating he almost fainted after he is done being sick jang joon held him and said "it is ok it is ok" then the members came rushing to find out what happened

"What is wrong?"

"Is he ok?"

"I knew he was sick"

"Oh my god poor bomin"

Bomin was so tired to even recognize the voices so he fell asleep well more unconscious than asleep carefully joochan and daeyeol helped him To the bed where he laid there quietly then daeyeol put his hand on his forehead and said "donghyun go and bring the thermometer"

Donghyun brought urgently and daeyeol put the thermometer in bomin's mouth after some time the thermometer beeped and they were shocked to find out that bomin's temperature was
39.5 c

Daeyeol ordered jibeom to get a towel and bowl of water and he rushed to get them.Bomin was shaking and he was sweating everywhere as soon as jibeom came with the water bowl and the towel daeyeol started pressing the wet towel on bomin's forehead with every press daeyeol was making bomin ended up shaking because of how cold it is "he is cold" joochan was so worried about the Maknae because he was suffering with pain after 30 minutes the Maknae was deep asleep they looked at their Maknae he was pale and weak and they were guilty to not notice that earlier Seungmin was disappointed at how bomin said he was fine at the dinner table when he knew he wasn't fine so when the Maknae was asleep they also decided to go to sleep and wait for tomorrow to see what will happen

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