CH 2/Pain

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At 6:30 in the morning bomin woke with a fierce head ache and he saw the members around the members sleeping where ever they can "did they notice?" He thought then jang joon woke up "oh you are awake" bomin nodded because he didn't have the energy to talk "are u hungry?" Jangjoon was worried that bomin wasn't going to eat and get more sick "yes" jang joon went to the kitchen to fetch something for bomin he came back with a bowl of porridge "now eat this" bomin nodded again and ate all the porridge after that all the members woke up and ran towards bomin and asked him a lot of questions:

"Are u ok?"

"What happened?"

"How do you feel?"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Bomin couldn't answer them because he was tired Y brought a thermometer and he put it in bomin's mouth when it beeped he took it and looked:
"The fever has gone down a little" he said while nodding donghyun then asked "how will we go to the practice without him?" They went silent "actually I'm feeling ok can I go?" The members looked concerned "but bomin you are sick" Y was frustrated he didn't want the Maknae to pass out and get sicker than before "please I don't want to stay" he insisted to come "fine" daeyeol said that in an insure tone in his voice "but if you feel bad tell us ok?" Bomin nodded and tried to stand up and get ready.As they were going to the practice room they were checking on bomin every minute but every time they asked if he was feeling bad he just said "I'm ok" although they weren't sure they reached the practice and started the song just at bomin's part he started feeling nauseous but he kept thinking "I have to do this" when he finished they were dancing the chorus part and he couldn't take but instead of throwing up he ended up falling on the floor unconscious the members stopped and went to him daeyeol held him and he was shaking him and calling his name bomin opened his eyes slowly and looked at daeyeol for some time and closed them again their manager decided that they should go to the hospital.When they reached the hospital bomin was carried by his fellow member to a doctor after sometime the doctor came out and sighed "how is he doctor" asked joochan and jibeom "he is tired and has a really high fever he should stay here for sometime" the looks on their faces changed "thank you" then they all rushed to see their Maknae they were hurt just by seeing their Maknae pale and weak and they sat beside waiting for him to wake up

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