an overprotective... wolf!? part 2

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nate's pov
i woke up very scared to be honest, i wasn't in the med bay anymore. i was in the brig, and it wasn't just me. ray was in my arms still sleeping peacefully. all i was thinking about was, ray was the hulk? i was so confused and had to ask him about it when he wakes up.

i got kinda mad when i realized that the team put us in the brig. i mean ray had john at a death grip but that wasn't him, it couldn't be. i heard groaning and looked to see that ray was waking up, he jerked his head up and looked around us. he must've realized we were in the brig.

"why are we in the brig!?" he asked with a deep voice and i could see green veins on his neck.

"hey it's okay ray we're okay." i tried to calm him down, because i was a big hulk fan as a kid. i knew that if bruce was starting to get mad his skin would start to turn green. ray looked over and met my eyes and leaned in for a quick kiss.

"im sorry nate." he sighed deeply and rested his head on my chest and played with my shirt.

"there's nothing to be sorry about baby, you didn't know." i replied with a quick kiss to his head before i heard the doors open.

"looks like their awake." a voice said and it was sara.

"why did you put us in here?" ray said in his deep voice, he was starting to get mad again. the green veins came back on his neck and sara could see it too.

"hey, hey babe let's sit back down okay?" i dragged his arm back to the bench we sat at.

"i hate to say this because i have no idea what's going on but, is he going to 'hulk' out again?" sara asked and i chuckled when she used the words 'hulk out'.

"are you calm now ray." i asked him softly and he nodded his head, clearly not wanting to talk.

"sorry we put you guys in the brig, we uh didn't know where else to put you." sara apologized and opened the doors with the scanner.

"if you guys could come with me that would be great." she smiled and i nodded.

"come on let's go." i told ray as i lifted him up out of my lap and we followed sara to the parlour where the rest of the team was at. i led me and ray to the couch and we sat down, he immediately laid his head back on my chest and sighed.

"i'll answer your guys's questions because all of this is my fault." i stated.

"i'll ask first then love, how are you a wolf?" john asked me first.

"well it's kind of a long story, but to shorten it up. i was uh- experimented on as a kid. that's how i got my hemophilia. until ray gave me that cure which turns me to steel now." i explained and john nodded in understanding.

"im next, so is ray the incredible hulk, or? what's going on with that?" ava asked next.

"well i can't answer that because i never knew until today. you are gonna have to ask him about that when he's ready." i answered and i started stroking his hair, knowing that always made him calm down and relax.

everyone kept asking a lot of different questions, we must've been going at it for at least an hour. once everyone finished their questions, i carried ray to his room because he fell asleep. i walked into ray's room and laid him down gently on the bed. i put the blankets over him and got in next to him.

i wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into his front side. ray was warm and it made me feel protected and loved.

"i love you baby." i whispered and kissed his forehead before falling asleep.

ray's pov
i woke up with a warm body pressed up against mine, i opened my eyes and realized nate was sleeping next to me. last i remember is everyone was asking him questions about what happened earlier today, and then i fell asleep im guessing.

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