CHAPTER I: The end of the world.

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We lived in a world were human kind at the end work for men or work for nature but even though they work for the nature, powerful men tried to control them. By working for nature i mean working for pure science. This powerful men doesn't want to any person do good so they are always watching everyone. The beautiful and truly free world as we knew no longer exists. Corruption and evil take all over the world and there are no real called heroes in this time. Everyone is focused in their money, but what they don't know is that they change their moral for money.

January 2017, 29, four years after the summer camp. I was still in high school. In Dominican Republic.

Home outside the city.

10:00 pm time to go to bed. I went to the bed, it was really dark, i was very tired for school and homeworks and videogames so it was easy to me to go to sleep. Time passed and i wake up of the sound of my mother calling me, she open the door and leave. She didnt enter. I stand up. Took a bath. Change. Eat and I went to school, like a normal day, when I get to my class, the second I entered, the teacher got angry with me for no reason and then I woke up again, in my bed.

I couldn't believe it, I just went to school. My mother open the door again and sat in a side of my bed, shaking me off i told her: "I don't want to go again, i just did", my mother replies "aha... go change'' but the thing was that nothing of what i just did happen so i needed to go again. Because of my mom, no matter what happened, she didn't let me stayed at home. So i just went again. I was waiting to go all the same way that i just dreamt. So the second that i just enter to the class i was just staring the teacher, waiting for it.

...but nothing...Later on school. Recess time.

Today i will seat with my friends to talk, and shared cool stuffs, must of the other days i just went to the soccer playfield and wait for my turn to play as a goalkeeper or whatever.

"Hey, Carla you were always in this school right?".

"yes, why?" -Carla doing some homework before class.

"Don't you remember someone called Jordan, that was in our class when we were in kindergarten?".

"No, we never had a friend called like that" -Carla replies.

"I always thought that in our class when we were more younger we had a friend called jordan, don't know why".

That name have been in my mind always since i was in this school but for some reason the only one who had this name in his head was me, not even my friend of all school Shane.

...Later at night.

Time to go to bed again. "Ok, here we go again, this time i'll try to remember everything go as the dream'', another thing about me, is that i forget things very often, i search for it in the internet to see if that was some kind of ill. So i forget some of my dreams. I fall asleep all of the sudden.

I appeared in my school, i was kind of knowing that i was sleeping but still i wanted to go and see what would happen. So i just let it be. I was in the middle of spanish class, the teacher wasn't in the classroom, so we were chatting, when Carla get close to me...''dammit i forgot what i said'' but then she sit in my leg and kiss me. By that time i liked Carla, so it didn't surprise me that i dream with her.

The next day, i wake up in my bed, took a bath, ate my breakfast and went to school, it was long hours from my house to the school, but to me didnt was too much i was just thinking of my dreams and worrying about today spanish class.

1:10am Time to go to spanish class. I sat just in the same seat of my dream. I was all overwhelm by anxiety. I was just waiting for the time, and then she stands up, and start to walking towards me, i start to remember the words of my dream but nothing came to my mind, She came closer, and closer and she pass me by to sharpen her pencil in the trash can behind me. Dammit.

Just another normal day, time passed like that until another weird happen. I dreamt and when i woke up exactly what i dreamt happen. I call it deja vu and i had a lot of them since now and then.

I dreamt with being in the exact moment and in the exact time, but it was like i already been there but im 100% sure that i dream it before. Confusing, but i didn't mind that too much and i concentrate a little bit in my studies, a little bit because by that time, i already met Katie and Carla, and since i had always been very sentimental in other words that i fell in love too easily and dont concentrate in nothing but they.

A few days later i forgot my dreams, and i stopped dreaming, days passed liked that and then graduation. In graduation i was leaving my old life, oh sort of, leaving Carla and Katie behind. The two girls by that time had a big impact in my life.

I applied to a university, and in the process, well in a entrance test i met another girl.

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