Taking Chances

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A growl. A purr. Hiccup opened his eyes. Toothless was standing an inch in front of his face, drool dripping down his chin.

“Ugh!” Hiccup exclaimed. “Toothless!” He gave the Night Fury a shove and rolled off his bed. He felt all along his face, checking that no dragon slobber had fallen on him. Toothless continued purring, as though he’d just given Hiccup the best present in the world.

Once Hiccup looked around further, he could see that the morning light was peeking through the cracks in the curtains, and under the doors. Faint sounds could be heard from outside, and Hiccup knew he wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. After all, it was a habit of Toothless’s to be up with the sun. And once he was up, no one could escape the Night Fury's lively virus.

Hiccup stroked his dragon, scratching beneath his chin, where he knew was a good spot. “Thanks bud. I appreciate it.” Toothless gave him one of his silly grins, making Hiccup laugh.

“Come on,” he told the Night Fury. “Let’s see if the others are up yet.”

The pair walked outside, Hiccup almost getting blinded by the morning sun. Birds were chirping in the trees, and Hiccup could also hear the sound of the forge, he figured Meatlug and Fishlegs were probably down melting some of the scrap metal they had left for the Armorwing.

Jumping onto Toothless, the two of them flew down to the stables. Once there, Hiccup pushed open the large, sliding metal doors. A faint musty smell reached his nose, as well as the distinct and sharp smell of dragon droppings.

Upon further investigation Hiccup saw that Meatlug was indeed not in her pen. Barf and Belch, as well as Hookfang, were however, still in their stalls. And then there was Stormfly’s stall…

Still empty, Hiccup noted. The open gate to the stall hanging loosely on its hinges, and the small yak hide curtain flapping in the light breeze, made her pen seem a little forlorn.

It had been three days since Astrid had left, and Hiccup had started to worry. The trip total took three days total, and yet, they still hadn’t returned.

Where are they? Hiccup wondered. Those two should’ve been back yesterday.
Toothless emitted a worried noise, and Hiccup nodded, scratching him on the head.

“Where could they be?” he asked the Night Fury. “Why are they still not here?”

“I’ll tell you why,” a snipped voice cut in from the doorway. “Astrid decided she hates you and never wants to see your ugly face again!”

Hiccup sighed with exasperation and turned to see Snotlout standing at the entrance to the stables, his signature smirk pasted to his face.

“Snotlout, why would Astrid do that?”          

“Because,” Snotlout said matter-of-factly. “She has finally realized what I’ve been trying to tell everyone since who-knows-when! That your scrawny butt shouldn’t be leading the Dragon Riders!”

Hiccup arched an eyebrow. “Well that has got to be the worst way to back up that claim,” he told the Jorgenson. “Astrid wouldn’t just leave.”

“Yeah,” another voice chimed in. “And there’s no way that even if she did leave Hiccup, she would ever join you, Snotlout.” Hiccup rolled his eyes as the twins walked into the stables, Ruffnut carrying the key to Barf and Belch’s pen.

“I must concur with said statement,” she said as she fitted the key into the lock and wiggled it around. “Like I’ve said before, Snotlout works like a woman repellent.”

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