Oh fuck

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" oh fuck" I stared at the test. " nonononononono" I sat then by the bathroom door and I started crying. As soon as I started to cry I heard footsteps down the hall running to the door. I covered my mouth so no one couldn't hear me crying. It didn't work. " 2d? Are you ok? Why are you crying?"


" I'm f.. fine muz. I just need some time." I heard him sigh and slowly walk away. I sighed and moved away from the door. I was now sitting in the bathtub fully clothed and thinking about turning on the tap. I sat there for a minute or so when I heard footsteps run down the hall.

" TAKE THAT BICTH!" I heard Murdoc yell as the door fell to the floor. " WHAT THE FUCK!! MURDOC WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?" I stopped crying and just looked at him. After a few seconds he ran over to me and hugged me. I didn't know what to do so I just started to cry again. ' what's going on? First I wake up next to him, second noodle was being weird, then I find out that I'm pregnant and now I'm sitting in the bathtub crying, hugging Murdoc and holding a pregnancy test. ........ OH SHIT THE TEST!!!. I try to hide the test but Murdoc grabs my arm.
"What's this?" He question. I broke down and started sobbing. "Look Murdoc, I.....I'm sorry. Like r.....really sorry." We sat there in silence for a few minutes but it felt like hours. "Who's Baby is it?" He didn't even sound mad or upset. " huh?" I asked. "I said 'who's baby is it?' Now care to answer the question?" I was scared now. He was going to find out it was his. "Sorry. It...... it's......its." I was panicking. I was going to cry again but then I felt a hand on my cheek and pair of lips on mine. I was surprised of what was going on but I kissed back anyway. I broke the kiss and looked in to his eyes. He just stared at me. "Who's baby is it?" He asked me again. What was I supposed to say yeahthebabyisyoursbecausewehadsexafewweeksagobutyouweredrunk. I can't say that to him. " it's yours." I said. I forced myself to say it. He HAD to know. "What?" "It's yours Murdoc." And with that he got up and left the Studio.

Hi, I'm bill, and welcome! This is my second fanfic so please don't get mad if it's not that good;) anyway new part soon-3-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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