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the mysterious figure could only huff, their face facing the floor as they rushed away from the scene

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the mysterious figure could only huff, their face facing the floor as they rushed away from the scene. to everyone, they looked weird, they knew they looked weird. shaking away their thoughts, they turned towards an alley way, the tight space giving them the coverage they needed.

with a snap of their figures, a portal formed in front of them. colors of purple radiated off of it, making it look almost magical, it was enchanting. anyone would want to step in, the only thing stopping people was the idea of what possibly could be on the other side.

the black clad figure took a step in, the black and purple of the portal wrapping around their body as they pulled them in. with their body inside, the portal disappeared showing the person gone from view.

they could only look around, a taunting smile lacing their lips as they looked up at the entourage of people around them. he was close. they'd be back in his grasp soon.

your body lazily got up with a yawn

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your body lazily got up with a yawn. you stretched, hearing your back pop in delight making you sigh out in pleasure. getting out of bed, you walked towards the kitchen. you looked to see that your dad was already gone, probably at work having to get things ready for class today. you felt a smile grace your lips seeing a plate of breakfast on the counter, with a small note. you

"make sure to eat, you're going to need to energy. love you kiddo."

you put the note in your pocket to save it as a small memory. picking up the plate of food, you sat down at the table getting ready to eat. your dad had prepared you a meal of fried rice and an omelette with a slightly sloppy cat face drawn on it with ketchup. you ate the food, letting out a hum of joy.

you quickly ate after, remembering you had to get ready for school. throwing the plate in the sink, you rushed through your daily morning routine, quickly throwing on your shoes and grabbing your bag. locking the door behind you, you stopped noticing a small dash of white poking out from the mailbox. you pulled it out to see an envelope with just your name written on it.

'i'll have to read this later, i don't have time.' you thought, shoving the envelope into your bag as you made your way to school. before you knew it, after about 20 minutes, you were finally in front of your school, rushing into the building.

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