School {3}

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The teenager sighed, He couldn't go to the library today, Why? He had school.

He enjoyed school, more than most people do probably. But he loved the calm atmosphere of the library. Getting out of bed he quickly got himself ready for the day and went out the door.

When he got to the school gates he saw his friend, He was a year younger and nothing like him. Yet the two seem to have a very good friendship, the excited boy waved to him.

"Hey! how was your weekend??"

"It was good, I got to spend most of my time at the library, Yours?"

"Oh! I hung out with one of my other friends! he's in the drama department."

"You should meet him!"

"Ah, speaking of... 'friends' I met someone at the library. I don't know his name but he seems interesting"

"Maybe you'll make some more friends other than me"



As time in the classroom went by slowly he sat their bored. He'd finished his work early, so he had nothing to do. Soon the bell rang and everyone left the classroom to either go to lunch or another class. He got to go to lunch and not sit through a lecture he already knew

Sitting in the cafiteria he observered others. His eyes landed on a boy, he could've sworn he saw this boy before. Suddenly it clicked. That was the boy from the library, now he doesnt normally talk to others as their loud and obnoxiously idiotic he went to sit down next to the boy.

"I see you go here too?"

The younger teen looked up startled. "U-uhm.. Yeah I do, didn't know you did.."

"You seem rather lonely, can i sit here?"


They both sat there in comfortable silence. He remembered something.

"Hey, I never asked your name"

"O-oh, my names V-Virgil"

"Thats an interesting name, Mine is Logan. It's nice to meet you virgil"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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