Alhamdulillah for Water

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We've been bestowed upon many blessings by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Many of us forget who the Bestower is. We go about our daily activities without stopping for a second to thank the Lord of the worlds of His many Blessings upon us, of which one of the most important is water.

Al-Hassan Al-Basri said, “He who does not see the blessings of Allah but in food, drink and clothing; then his knowledge is limited and his torment is near.”

Water is of the utmost importance to the very essence of life. Without water, we can't survived. Every bodily function needs water   — digestion, circulation, excretion, etc. The animals we eat need water, to grow plants we need water. Water also cools the earth when it heats up, and warms it when it cools down.

We also use water to keep clean and also leads to the observation of one of the pillars of Islam — Salah, by performing wudu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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