Loki Laufeyson, King of Earth

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I am King of these mortals.

I will rule over them

Reveal to them the truth of their hearts.

They were made to kneel before you.

Show them.

Show them.

Command them.

For you are Loki, and you are burdened with glorious purpose.


Loki stepped through the portal.

He observed the room where he stood. The mortals had indeed gone far in their science, as far as it could even take them at least.

Perfect for the taking.

"Sir please put down the spear." A voice requested.

Loki tilted his head. He looked down in his hand. Sure enough, a spear was there. A sceptre worthy of a king. Glorious.

Gods do not obey the forces of men. Loki sent his magic into the staff, focused his will. The Gem inside followed the command- sending a beam of energy towards the man that had spoken. Yet one of his people knocked him aside.

Hmm...there would be use in that one. For an idea was gifted to Loki by the Gem, of how to rule over the masses of the pathetic mortals.

Before Loki could advance on that plan he was attacked at all sides. Loki swatted them down like the flies they were. Once the vermin were disposed with Loki used the Gem on the soldier.

"You have heart." Loki told him.

He placed the tip of the soldier's chest. The man's eyes shifted to black then the same blue as the Gem's casing.

Loki moved to the other agents in the room, left alive unlike their shield brothers. Barton- the name slipped into his mind, a faint whisper that told him he had always known the man's name.

With his many new eyes from his soldiers, Loki was aware of what Director Fury- the name came as well as the others- some of the names of the fallen slipped in with it- was doing to the Space Stone.

He changed one more of the agents to his side, before properly scolding the last. "Please don't. I still need that."

Director Fury turned to Loki. The Space Stone still in his possession. "This doesn't have to get any messier."

Loki wanted to laugh at the naivety. "Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else."

(-yes you did-there's something more-you need to get them-)

("-Odinson, Prince of Asgard. Your second Soulmate."


"Yes. Of Asgard.")


"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

(The skin beneath his bracelets buzzed)

"Loki? Brother of Thor?"

Loki glared his way. He would be sure that when the man was his that the friend of Thor would pay.

"We have no quarrel with your people." Director Fury assured.

"An ant had no quarrel with a boot." Loki countered.




"You planning to step on us?" Director Fury inquired.

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