Sick and Cold

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"Two-Bit get your head out of our fridge!" Darry yelled from the living room. "If your brain was as half as big as your nose you would've figured out that the cakes in the living room!"

The wind was howling outside the house and the boys inside were no quieter. Steve was wrestling Dally on the floor, Two-Bit was rushing to the living room to get to the cake and Darry and Ponyboy were playing cards in the kitchen. That left Sodapop alone on the living room couch.

Soda looked around at everything smiling and laughing as they played like drunk teenagers. His smirk faded quickly as he noticed Johnny wasn't there. Granted he was always in the corner smoking or listening to everybody else's problems but he was still there.

He checked outside and saw the horrible weather. It was colder than usual and some how they had snow. It had been that way the last couple days.

Surely Johnny had the sense to not sleep in the lot in this weather. But he also rather be in the freezing cold than with his parents. Maybe he'd go look for him just a little. He wasn't doing anything and he'd be back before anyone would notice.

He shrugged, got up, put on his jacket and was out the door. The lot wasn't that far so there was no need to take the car. The sidewalks were slippery with ice but he managed to make it without slipping.

When he made it to the lot after ducking a couple drunk socs only to see it covered in snow. He walked around a little looking at all the trash left on the floor. He wondered how Johnny could sleep in a place like this.

"Ah-Ah-AHCHOO!" Soda spun around to see a little body on a old mattress curled up into ball.

"Johnny that you?" Soda asked.

"Soda....?" He asked hazely and in a sick voice.

"Johnnycakes what are you doing out here in this weather!" Soda exclaimed sitting next to him.

"Mum...n' were fighting......don't...remember when.... I got here..." He was in a daze.

"Why didn't you come to our house. You know you're always welcome." Soda said softly petting his hair back and out of his eyes.

"Didn't......want to bother...y'all." He mumbled. Soda bit his lip and felt his forehead.

" long have you been sick?" Soda asked worried

"Couple days...... how'd you -COUGH- know?" Johnny had a coughing fit right there.

"'re burning up. I think it's best for you to come to my house and rest." Soda told him.

"No I'll only bother y'all." Johnny protested.

"Johnny you're dying out here! I'm not going home without you." Soda exclaimed.

Johnny didn't say a word.

"Come on. Can you walk?" Johnny shook his head. "Alright then."

Soda pick up Johnny holding him under his legs with Johnny's legs around his waist and his arms around the older boys neck. Soda began walking back home with Johnny in a safe grip. Johnny sleepily nuzzled into the crook of Soda's neck and started lightly snoring. Soda giggled lightly as it tickled.

Soda got to the front door pushed it open with his foot. That was a mistake.

"Sodapop Patrick Curtis! Where the hell have you been!" Darry yelled from his armchair. Everyone was in the living room either sitting or standing. "It's the middle of the night! You've been gone for an hour and a half! No note no nothing-"

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