11- The confession

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Congratulations to @Dandelions_97 for guessing the right answer!! ❤❤❤


The court room was silent, everyone waited for the judge to arrive..

Young-mi glared at the woman (Joye) who looks at her fondly..

"All stand" A man in mid 40's walked towards the from..

The trial started. Joye's prosecutor walked towards Jimin who is standing at the witness stand, face blank and dull..

"Why don't you give their child back?" The lawyer asked straight forwardly and Jimin didn't hesitate to answer the question..

"Young-mi has become a part of me, I AM the one who took care of her when both of them had no choice but to abort her, I asked them that I will take care of her..We signed an agreement that they can't have their child back once the contract us signed" Jimin's lawyer gave the contract to the Judge as an evidence. "I love her like my own child..I will do anything, just dont take her away from me.."

And with that,Jimin finally bursted out into fit of sobs and cries, Joye just rolled her eyes dramatically, as Denise and Young-mi sat their making sure that Jimin will do her best..

At least they cared for him..

Supported him..


After a few questions, Taehyung stood up and quickly walked towards the witness stand..Making Joye stood shock..

"Your honor..." Taehyung's voiced cracked..

"I confess..."

"Young-mi is not our true child"....

Gasp filled the room as a lady and a kid walked towards the front...

"This girl over here is Juri..Kim Juri.. She is our true daughter.." Taehyung explained as Joye's eyes went wide..

"Well then...Who is this child?" The judge pointed at Young-mi..

"When Juri was born, Jimin offered to take care of our daughter and Joye agreed..But I cant bring myself to gave up my child..So  I decided to adopt a baby and gave the adopted baby to Jimin instead..And as for Juri..I asked one of my relatives to take care of her...I'm so sorry Jimin, Joye.." Taehyung cried as the room fell silent...

Then the sound of the hammer was heard as the Judge stood up...

"Well then...I hereby claimed that PARK JIMIN IS NOW A LEGAL PARENT FOR PARK YOUNG-MI...The trial is now adjourned" The judge announced as Young-mi rushed to hugged the Judge..

"Thank you.."

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