Broken Bones (Anyone Get The Title, If So Comment What Song It Is)

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Adora's POV


Shit, were am I?

Don't tell me we got split, I can't loose her, nothing will take me from her.

Just then I saw my worst nightmare.

An ugly Catra.

Kyle's POV


Oh, no.

"Kyle, come here".

"Who said that?"

Just then a door opens, and when I walk inside, my worst nightmare.


A room full of clowns, but in the middle, there's a coffin, I went up to it and opened IT.

Inside of the coffin, was a puppet version of me, then the coffin closed and I stepped back until my back was against the door.

Then the coffin burst open, and out came IT and he said "Beep beep Kyle".

Then he ran twords me, but stopped, then the door swung open, then IT pushed me and I fell.

I hit a wooden table, but when I tried to get up, I felt a sharp pain go through my arm, I looked down and I had a broken bone.

Now that reminds me of a song.

Broken Bones by Kaleo

Only chains and broken Bones, got no place to call a home, only chains and broken Bones, oh, the devil going to set me free, oh got no place to call a home, only chains and broken Bones.

But my singing was interrupted by the fridge door opening, and out came a clown, the one that technically gave me a Broken Bone.

Then I hear talking coming from somewhere, and then I see Catra and Adora come in all scared but brave at the same time.

Then IT charges at Catra and Adora, forgetting about me, but then Bow bursts in, and stabs IT in the head , and IT stops for a moment, before disappearing into a well.

Then Bow and Adora carry me outside were I'm met with my angry mother, but right now, I need to get to a hospital.

Catradora/IT 2017Where stories live. Discover now