⇨ Whining & Candybars ✧ NσναHD

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It was the night of freakish horrors and ghoulish costumes, the one and only Halloween. While most kids were out and about, dressed up as differently coloured Power Rangers, irrelevant bees, cutie patootie devils, different types of hippies, you know, the usual attire for when one is trick or treating as a younger human, there was one particular five year old who didn't want to dress up this year.

Although his mother bought him a costume of his favourite Transformer and everything, the child just didn't feel up to it this year. So, around seven o'clock in the evening as the dimming sun was just above the horizon of different roofs of the assorted houses in his neighborhood, the boy sat on the top step leading up to his front porch; his dark hazel eyes flicking his vision to the kids who walked by his house on their ways to other hot spots for candy.

As he looked around, he caught sight of carved pumpkins that lit up the darker ways of the cul de sac he lived in with their waning candle lights, and somewhat smiled at the houses draped cool decorations that flickered with orange, black, and white lights; the tiny seconds of scintillation being reflected in his large brown eyes. Even though he wasn't particularly in the mood to go out and trick or treat this year, he still always partook in the dabbling of decorating for the dark and disturbing holiday that he loved; he was always one to help decorate his porch with the cliche' types of ambience, such as cobwebs, skeletons, roughly carved pumpkins, and orange and black garland weaved through his porch's half wall exterior.

He liked this day the best out of the entire year, and--

"BOO!" A high boyish voice suddenly sounded from behind the boy's ears, causing him to flinch and jump up from his seated position on the step; the five year old turning around with a frightened crane of his torso. When his line of sight shifted, he was quickly relieved at the image of his friend filling his eyes, yet soon scowled some as he moved to sit down again.

"What do you want, James?" The now cranky boy murmured as his elbows met his knees and his chin met his palms; his facial expression showing how unimpressed he was by his friend's, James, frightful act whilst he looked out at the other kids again.

"Where's your costume?" James asked with his head tilted after he'd plopped down to the right of his friend; his dark eyes gazing at the brunette next to him as if he were searching the boy for an answer.

"I'm not wearing it."

"Duh, really?" The raven-haired boy said with a heavily sarcastic voice, and nudged his brunette friend in his side with the corner of his sharp elbow, causing the other male to say 'ow' and rub his affected side. Pointedly the other looked at James , and stuck his tongue out.

"Yah, really."

"I can see that you're not wearing it right now, you dumbie!" James spat, and huffed a little bit, prior to crossing his arms over his small chest. "Why aren't you in it?"

"Not feeling like it this time."

"But, you always feel like it, even when it's not Halloween! We have to go trick or treatingggggg, pleaseeeee?"

"I don't wannaaaaa," The brunette murmured and buried his face in his hands, "do I have tooooooo?"

"Yeeeees!" James answered, pushing the other boy once more. "It'll be fun, I promise! The candy, think about the candy!"

"Oh yeah... The candy..." The paler boy retorted, and gave James an empty look. He thought of his options mentally, and hummed to himself eventually. "Okay, James."

This caused the dark-haired child to pump his fist in the air, and laugh happily; joy only resting on his psyche now. "I'll change too, c'mon!" James yipped, and bolted upwards; his right hand somehow automatically finding its way onto the other boy's wrist to initiate jerking him up onto his feet. Without a second of hesitation did James begin yanking the brunette into his own home, as if the black-haired boy owned the place.

"Mrs. Marchant, where's Aleks' costume?!"


"Jamieeeeee," The disgruntled brunette whined as the two had found their way back onto his porch after they were finished trick or treating, "That's not faaaaaaaaair!"

"What're you talking about now??" The two were now picking through their winnings of going out for the night, and Aleks had found a reason to complain once again, for the millionth time that evening. James, who was dressed as a mini-Loki, glanced at the boy who was dressed up in the Optimus Prime costume that his mother had purchased for him, and watched as his small hands dug and raked through his large basket filled to the brim with sweets that would surely rot his teeth, when expectedly the brunette huffed once more and pushed his basket to the side; Aleks' small arms crossing over his chest in his stage one temper tantrum.

"You got all the big pieces of candy! I didn't get any!" The little boy ranted with an upturned nose, and caused James to blink with a slight shocked look in his big dark brown eyes. With the other child nearly crying now, his face in his hands, the raven-haired boy silently murmured aww now with a slightly sad glint in his eyes, and eventually commenced digging around in his own basket. Whilst he did so, Aleks frowned only more into the palms of his hands, assuming James was going to gloat loudly, announcing that he clearly had more candy. Not soon after, did Aleks feel a nudge at his side, just as a tear fell onto the skin of his tiny hand. "D-don't rub it in my f-" The brunette began to say, but soon grew silent when he'd removed his hands that masked his vision voluntarily. What he'd seen that made him go quiet, was James meagerly offering all of the large candy bars he'd recieved; the chocolate wrapped candies being displayed among two open and small palms, all the while James looked away with a soft blush tickling his high cheek bones.

At this sight, Aleks went awestruck, and soon reached his own small hands towards the offerings; his arms assisting him in holding the candy once he'd retrieved it from James' hands. Still awestruck at the mightily friendly and sweet - no pun intended - gesture, the brunette stared down at the large bars of chocolate and other unhealthy items that inhabited his grip. "Th-thank you, Jamie." Aleks whispered softly, and shifted to set the candy in his basket prior to glancing at James, and when he did, the other boy did another unexpected deed.

The raven-haired child had leant over, and placed a soft kiss on Aleks' now vermillion left cheek, the both of them now blushing madly.

"You're very welcome, Ally."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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