Two. Just like always

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My alarm goes off and I have to go to school. 

Just like always. 

I struggle getting out of bed more than usual, but my room doesn't seem to notice. It's still there. Everything is still in its place. 

Just like always. 

I try to pick out an outfit, like usual, but this time... This time, it's different. I don't know what to wear, and frankly, I don't care. But I have to pick something. 

Just like always. 

I look in the mirror. I look exactly the same as always, but I don't feel the same. Something is... off. I go downstairs and my parents are eating breakfast and reading the newspaper. 

Just like always. 

They look up when they see me in the corner of their eye. I hope they aren't going to say what they always say. 'Good morning!' I hate that. I usually don't mind, but today is just not a good morning. But once again, no luck for me. 'Good morning!' 

Just like always.

It's not a good morning. It's a weird morning. It's an odd morning. I go outside. The red van with the 6 kids drives by, followed by the overfriendly old man on his bike. Then the school bus passes and lastly the moody woman in her grey Porsche. 

Just like always. 

It's like no one notices. Has no one noticed? Has no one noticed that it's a weird morning? An odd morning? Why isn't anyone noticing? Everyone just does their thing. Everyone just lives their live. The world just keeps going. 

Just like always.

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