Sent to the past

873 21 14

percy's pov

OK, let me just inform you of what has happened so far,

We were sent into the preperation room to get ready for our quest, in the room there was Nico, Thalia, Aphrodite, Hecate, Posioden, Zeus, Chiron and me. Firstly Aphrodite cursed, oops i mean 'blessed' us with beauty ( which we totally did not need) then she transformed us to look like we did when we were 11 years old, So in my case I had little to no muscle (but don't let looks decieve you) i had my messy black hair and bright sea green eyes. Thalia had shoulder length layered hair and Nico had a lot more colour to his skin. After that we had Hecate bless us so that we could do magic, considering that this was a school for magic. Then as we were being looked at by everyone Aphrodite decided that cursing us wasn't enough, she ended up saying that,"If a monster were to see you they would recognise you and your cover will be blown", but personally i think she was just trying to humiliate us, Thalia had her hair turned blond, so now she looks like her brother in a way, Nico had his hair turned dark brown and i had my hair turned light brown. All in all if you took a quick glance at us you would not recognise us at all. 

Yeh so that is what happened, If you were wondering, i currently look like a young logan lerman, Thalia looks like payton list except with blue eyes and Nico looks like a young taylor laughtner. We are on a bus to the kings cross station (we had already teleported to England) and everyone here sounded so weird. We all had our weapons consieled mine in my pen form, Thalias in hairpin form and Nico's in the form of a torch. When we finally pulled up to the train station we started to realise the flaw in our plan, "how are we going to find platform 9 and 3/4's?"

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